Onstabiele terugvoerverwerking tydens die neem van risiko's in adolessente met kenmerke van problematiese internetgebruik (2015)

Verslaafde Behav. 2015 Jan 20;45C:156-163. doi: 10.1016/j.addbeh.2015.01.008.

Yau YH1, Potenza MN2, Mayes LC3, Crowley MJ4.


While the conceptualization of problematic Internet use (PIU) as a “behavioral addiction” resembling substance-use disorders is debated, the neurobiological underpinnings of PIU remain understudied.

This study examined whether adolescents displaying features of PIU (at-risk PIU; ARPIU) are more impulsive and exhibit blunted responding in the neural mechanisms underlying feedback processing and outcome evaluation during risk-taking. Event-related potentials (ERPs) elicited by positive (i.e. reward) and negative (i.e. loss) feedback were recorded during performance on a modified version of the Balloon Analogue Risk Task (BART) among ARPIU (n=39) and non-ARPIU subjects (n=27).

In vergelyking met nie-ARPIU, ARPIU adolessente vertoon hoër vlakke van dringendheid en gebrek aan deursettingsvermoë op die UPPS Impulsive Behavior Scale. Alhoewel daar geen tussen-groep verskil in BART-prestasie waargeneem is nie, het ERP's algehele afgeneemde sensitiwiteit vir terugvoering in ARPIU in vergelyking met nie-ARPIU-adolessente getoon, soos geïndekseer deur stomp terugvoerverwante negatiwiteit (FRN) en P300 amplitudes vir beide negatiewe en positiewe terugvoering. Die huidige studie verskaf bewyse vir terugvoerverwerking tydens die neem van risiko's as 'n neurale korrelaat van ARPIU.

Given recent concerns regarding the growing prevalence of PIU as a health concern, future work should examine the extent to which feedback processing may represent a risk factor for PIU, a consequence of PIU, or possibly both.