Slim foonverbruik en verslawing onder tandheelkundige studente in Saoedi-Arabië: 'n dwarssnitstudie (2017)

Int J Adolesc Med Gesondheid. 2017 Apr 6. pii: /j/ijamh.ahead-of-print/ijamh-2016-0133/ijamh-2016-0133.xml.

doi: 10.1515 / ijamh-2016-0133.

Venkatesh E1, Jemal MY2, Samani AS2.



The main aim of this research is to explore measures of smart phone usage, smart phone addiction, and their associations with demographic and health behavior-related variables among dental students in Saudi Arabia.


A Cross sectional study involving sample of 205 dental students from Qaseem Private College were surveyed for smart phone use and addiction using the short version of the Smartphone Addiction Scale for Adolescents (SAS-SV).


Smart phone addiction was seen in 136 (71.9%) of the 189 students. The findings from our study revealed that high stress levels, low physical activity, higher body mass index (BMI), longer duration of smart phone usage, higher frequency of usage, shorter time period until first smart phone use in the morning and social networking sites (SNS) were associated significantly with the smart phone addiction.


The current research gives the information about the extent of smart phone over usage and addiction among the dental students in Saudi Arabia with indication of the predictors of addiction and the need for further research in the area with comprehensible interpretation to spread the awareness of the smart phone addiction.


SAS-SV; smart phone; smart phone addiction

PMID: 28384117

DOI: 10.1515 / ijamh-2016-0133