Cyber ​​Pornografie Verslawing Onder Mediese Studente Van Weselike Landelike Maharashtra (2018)

Pandey, Amit Kumar, and Rahul R. Kunkulol.

Internasionale Tydskrif vir Kliniese en Biomediese Navorsing (IJCBR) 3, no. 2 (2017): 10-14.



Cyberpornography is an act of using cyberspace to create, display, distribute, impart or publish pornography or obscene materials, especially materials depicting children engaged in sexual acts with adults. Cyberpornography on one hand, has opened up the new terrain of “safe sex”, and a positive space for sexual non-conformists. At the same time, it has negatively impacted many offline relations, and a new space for sexual predation and exploitation. 

Doelwit: Om ' To find out the prevalence, type and form of risk towards cyber pornography addiction amongst the students.

Methods & Materials: 'N Voornemende deursnitstudie is uitgevoer na die verkryging van 'n etiese goedkeuring van die instituut en 'n ingeligte toestemming van vrywilligers wat aan die toepaslikheidskriteria voldoen. Die internet seks screening toets (ISST) vraelys met puntestaat is gebruik en is afgehaal deur volledige anonimiteit en vertroulikheid. 300 mediese studente is vir die studie oorweeg en data wat ingesamel is, is geanaliseer deur Microsoft-kantoor Excel. 

Results: 57.15% of the volunteers are in low-risk group whereas 30% are vulnerable and 12.85% are in highest-risk group. For boys, 65% are vulnerable whereas 21% in low-risk and the remaining 14% are in highest-risk group. For girls, 73% are in a low-risk, 19% are vulnerable and 8% are in highest-risk group. 

Gevolgtrekking:  It is concluded that the majority of boys come under vulnerable category whereas the girls comes in low-risk group showing male preponderance towards addiction. The study reveals that, questions coming under the subgroup of online sexual behaviour-isolated have been answered the maximum number of times, by both the sexes. Whereas, the questions coming under the subgroup of online sexual spending has been answered the least by both the sexes.

SLEUTELWOORDE: Cyberpornography, addiction, sexual behaviour, ISST Questionnaire.