Pornografie en die proses van ontmensliking van seksmaats (2020)

Figueiredo, Isabela Motta. “A pornografia e o processo de desumanização de parceiros sexuais.” PhD diss., 2019.


The role of pornography use in different processes is not consistent, especially regarding interpersonal relationships. If on the one hand research has shown an association with the desire to be close to the partner and a better assessment of one’s sexual abilities; on the other hand, it also demonstrated an association with discrimination, violence and objectification of other people. Following these latest evidences, the present work was framed in the Dehumanization Theory and aimed to analyze the extent to which people who use pornography dehumanize their sexual partners (ie, they attribute more primary than secondary emotions to their partner). In a correlational study, 266 participants (78.2% vroue; MAge = 30.79, SD = 8.89) het gereageer op demografie, of hulle in 'n verhouding was of nie, of hulle aanlynpornografie gebruik het of nie, en hoeveel hulle primêre en sekondêre emosies aan hul seksmaats toegeskryf het. Die resultate het getoon dat mense wat pornografie gebruik, hul seksmaats dehumaniseer, maar slegs as hulle nie in 'n romantiese verhouding is nie. Hierdie resultate is relevant omdat dehumanisering ernstige gevolge het soos diskriminasie, geweld, strenger strawwe en prososiale gedragshemming. Sodra ons weet wanneer dit gebeur, het ons die kans om strategieë te skep om dit te neutraliseer.