Alter 21 - ED bal geheelt, manner sozial Angscht

Ech beschloss deelt meng Geschicht an der Hoffnung datt et déi vun Iech encouragéiert a profitéiert déi probéieren opzehalen an eng Sucht ze iwwerwannen.

I have probably been fapping since age 8 or 9 up until age 21. I have been smoking weed almost everyday for the past 2 and half years. I’ve been together with my current girlfriend for about 4 months. The same day I quit fapping and smoking weed. At first I had no idea that porn-addiction could cause ED. So the first couple of times I tried to have sex, I had a difficult time getting it up, I just blamed this on alcohol, weed, performance anxiety. Then about a week or 2 after, I had no trouble getting it up, but my erections were only 60-70%, and were quite sluggish. I noticed something was wrong when I went soft after a couple minutes of intercourse. I blamed it on the weed, saying it had messed me up, and it would eventually pass.

In the 3th week I hit a flatline. I had absolutely no libido, when I mean flatline I’m talking serious flatlining, i couldn’t even get it up with my hand, and only 50% while watching porn i had a very difficult time cuming (I tried this once to test if I could get it up, as I hadn’t experienced this before, and didn’t know about ybop or porn addiction). I used Viagra 5-6 times during my flatline to have intercourse, and sometimes it would jumpstart my libido slightly the day after sex. but it wouldn’t last very long, and I’m starting to think I just wanted to orgasm. But I had no desire to view porn, and it didn’t turn me on anymore. I was probably at day 60 when my flatline gradually got better.

So after abstaining from sex without Viagra for a month or so. I could start having sex again without it. But my erections weren’t 100% more like 80-90% and it went down to 60-80% after a couple of minutes, but still enough to penetrate her. I was more sensitive during sex some of the days, where I hadn’t had an O in a couple of days or a week. And PE persisted 3-4 times after one another. It went away eventually, when I started having more sex. Although I have had no trouble lately getting erections with my gf, I get it just by kissing and touching her. My refractory period is 1 day. I can have sex once per day, and my erections aren’t where I want them to be its still 80-90% Which annoys me, so i recently started doing kegel exercises and this might be just what I need.

Zënter kuerzem ass meng Frëndin 1 Woch fort. An ech fänken un erëm Zeeche vu Flatline ze bemierken. Ech mengen ech hu keng Schwieregkeeten et opzemaachen, just 10-20 Sekonnen beréieren. An obwuel ech kann et bal 100% Erektion. Ech kréien keng Erektion wann ech un Sex denken, sexy Biller kucken oder wat och ëmmer. Awer ech sinn geil wéi fuck, a wëll wierklech geschwënn erëm Sex hunn! Dëst kéint sinn well ech mäi Gehir op déi richteg Saach ëmdréinen. Oder et ass vläicht well ech eng Erektion gezwongen hunn a probéiert hunn Sex zweemol den Dag wou hatt fort ass. Also et huet mech zréckgesat, ech weess et net.

Alles wat ech weess ass datt dës Porno-induzéiert ED wierklech ass! Well ech ni virdrun eng Flatline getraff hunn a war ëmmer geil wéi Ficken während meng Deeg Masturbatioun. Ech géif zoufälleg Erektionen kréien an all dat, an ech war ganz sensibel. Elo wann ech Sex hunn, daueren ech 5-15 Minutten. Wat vill berécksiichtegt; Ech hunn nëmmen ongeféier 5 Minutten 1 Zäit mat menger Ex-Frëndin gedauert virun 4-5 Joer. Wann ED net prominent war.

I also noticed less social anxiety and was more happy and outgoing when i stopped no fap.

Wann Dir Froen hutt, probéieren ech se ze beäntweren, bleift just op der Streck, och wann Dir kee Gf hutt. Dir kritt schlussendlech 1, well um Enn wäert dësen No-Fap Iech geil wéi Fuark maachen.



Relapsed but – cured ED.. And very sensitive now

I started this journey over 2 years ago i suffered from ED when i was with my then EX. I went hard mode nofap for 6 months and i got my sensitivity back now. I got very excited on day 189 so i O. All i did was touch my penis a couple of times and that was it i didnt stroke when cumming, i decided not to reset my counter, because initially i was in it to Reboot and gain my sensitivity and stop watching porn. Today i relapsed (day 212) and not to porn but still i decide to reset my badge because i had watched porn before i O. I had gotten so horny last few days, probably because of watching NSFW.

I did orgasm in the same manner as first time. But because i have watched a bit porn in the last few days. Im going to reset my badge. I am kinda dissapointed that i’ve watched a bit porn. But most importantly that im learning from this experience. And that i gained my sensitivity back. I’ve maybe orgasmed 3-4 times in 1 year. which isn’t that bad after all.

Merci fir d'Liesen

LINK -  sharing my story: No fap in 4 months but regular sex with girlfriend (ED)

by startfromscratch