Parent-Adolesent Bezéiung an adolescent Internet Sucht: Eng moderéiert Mediatiounsmodell (2018)

Addict Behav. 2018 Sep; 84: 171-177. Doi: 10.1016 / j.addbeh.2018.04.015.

Wang W.1, Li D2, Li X3, Wang Y4, Sun W5, Zhao L6, Qiu L1.


Wesentlech Fuerschung ass festgestallt ginn datt positiv Elterveräin Relatioune mat engem nidderegen Niveau vun adolescent Internet Sucht (IA) ass. Allerdéngs ass wéineg iwwer d'Mediateur a moderéiert Mechanismen déi dës Relatioun ënnersträichen. D'aktuell Studie huet e moderéierte Mediatiounsmodell iwwerpréift, deen d'Bezéiung vun Elterveräin huet (Prädiktor Variablen), Emotiounsreguléierung (Mediator), stresseg Liewen (Moderator) an IA (Resultat Variabel) gläichzäiteg. Am ganzen ass 998 (MAlter = 15.15 years, SD = 1.57) Chinese adolescents completed the Parent-Adolescent Relationship Scale, Emotion Regulation Ability Scale, Adolescent Stressful Life Events Scale, and Internet Addiction Diagnostic Questionnaire. After controlling for adolescent gender, age, and family socioeconomic status, results revealed that good parent-adolescent relationship was positively associated with adolescent emotion regulation ability, which in turn was negatively associated with their IA. Moreover, stressful life events moderated the second part of the mediation process. In accordance with the reverse stress-buffering model, the relation between emotion regulation ability and adolescent IA was stronger for adolescents who experienced lower levels of stressful life events. The findings and their implications are discussed and a resilient contextual perspective proposed.

KEYWORDS: Emotion regulation; Individual-environment interaction; Internet addiction; Parent-adolescent relationship; Stressful life events

PMID: 29709874

DOI: 10.1016 / j.addbeh.2018.04.015