Web Sucht am Gehir: Kortikalesch Schwéngungen, autonom Aktivitéit an Verhalensmassnahmen (2017)

J Behav Addict. 2017 Jul 18: 1-11. Doi: 10.1556 / 2006.6.2017.041.

Balconi M1,2, Campanella S3, Finocchiaro R1,2.


Background a wëll

Internet Sucht (IA) ass zënter kuerzem als Stéierungen definéiert esou wéi d'Impulskontroll an d'Belounungssystemer. Besonnesch hunn Hemmungsdefizit a Präissverléisung als héich relevant an der IA betraff. Dës Recherche zielt fir d'elektrophysiologesch Korrelat an d'autonom Aktivitéit [SKR) an d'Häerzinfär] an zwou Gruppen vu jénger Thema (N = 25), mat engem héigen oder nidderegen IA-Profil [gepréift duerch den Internet Addiction Test (IAT) ], mat spezifescher Referenz géint de Gléckssprooch.


Oscillatory brain activity (delta, theta, alpha, beta, and gamma) and autonomic and behavioral measures [response times (RTs) and error rates (ERs)] were acquired during the performance of a Go/NoGo task in response to high-rewarding (online gambling videos and video games) or neutral stimuli.


A better performance (reduced ERs and reduced RTs) was revealed for high IAT in the case of NoGo trials representing rewarding cues (inhibitory control condition), probably due to a “gain effect” induced by the rewarding condition. In addition, we also observed for NoGo trials related to gambling and video games stimuli that (a) increased low-frequency band (delta and theta) and SCR and (b) a specific lateralization effect (more left-side activity) delta and theta in high IAT.


Both inhibitory control deficits and reward bias effect were considered to explain IA.


Internet addiction; autonomic activity; brain oscillations; gambling; rewarding

PMID: 28718301

DOI: 10.1556/2006.6.2017.041