Influenz vun der populärer Erotica op Uerteeler vu Friemer a Matheen (1989)

Journal of Experimental Sozial Psychologie

Volume 25, Emissioun 2, Mäerz 1989, Säiten 159-167


Two studies were done to investigate the influence of exposure to centerfold erotica on sexual attraction judgments.

In Experiment 1, college students judged a photograph of a nude female after being exposed either to control stimuli (abstract art or other average nudes) or to photographs taken from popular erotic magazines. The target was judged as less sexually attractive after subjects had been exposed to popular erotica. Male and female subjects showed parallel patterns of attraction ratings.

Am Experiment 2 sinn männlech a weibleeg Sujete géint de sexe Erotica exponéiert. An der zweeter Studie koum et eng Interaktioun vum Themageschlecht mat Reiz vu Bedingunge vun der sexueller Attraktioun. Decremental Auswierkunge vun der mëttel fënnef Expositioun waren nëmmen fonnt fir männlech Sujete mat weiblechen Nicken ausgesat. Männer déi fonnt hunn playboy-type centerfolds more pleasant rated themselves as less in love with their wives. Results are discussed in light of general gender differences in sexual behavior, and are related to the current controversy about pornography.