L-użu problematiku ta ’l-Internet kien iktar komuni fl-adolexxenti Torok b’mard depressiv maġġuri mill-kontrolli (2016)

Acta Paediatr. 2016 Frar 5. doi: 10.1111 / apa.13355.

Alpaslan AH1, Soylu N2, Kocak U3, Guzel HI4.



Dan l-istudju qabbel ir-rati problematiċi ta ’l-użu ta’ l-Internet (PIU) f’12 ma ’dawk ta’ 18 b'diżordni depressiva maġġuri (MDD) u kontrolli b’saħħithom u esplora rabtiet potenzjali bejn PIU u suwiċidju fost pazjenti MDD.


Il-kampjun tal-istudju kien jikkonsisti f'120 pazjent MDD (62.5% bniet) u 100 kontroll (58% bniet) b'età medja ta '15. Ideat ta' suwiċidju u tentattivi ta 'suwiċidju ġew evalwati u nġabret dejta soċjodemografika. Barra minn hekk, ġew applikati l-Inventarju tad-Depressjoni tat-Tfal, Test Żgħir tal-Vizzju tal-Internet u l-Iskala tal-Probabbiltà tas-Suwiċidju.


The results showed that PIU rates were significantly higher in the MDD cases than the controls (p<0.001). The analysis of covariance results showed that there was no relationship between potential suicide and the Young Internet Addiction Test score in MDD cases. However, the hopelessness subscale scores of the MDD patients with PIU were significantly higher than the scores of those without PIU.


Our results show that PIU was higher in adolescents with MDD and hopelessness was more prevalent among MDD patients with PIU, but no links with potential suicide were found. As the present study was a cross-sectional one, it did not allow us to infer a causality relationship between PIU and MDD. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.

Dan l-artikolu huwa protett bid-drittijiet tal-awtur. Id-drittijiet kollha riżervati.


Adolescents; Hopelessness; Major depressive disorder; Problematic Internet use