Ir-relazzjoni tas-severità tal-użu tal-ismartphone mal-kwalità tal-irqad, depressjoni, u ansjetà fl-istudenti tal-università (2015)

Demirci, Kadir, Mehmet Akgönül, and Abdullah Akpinar.

“Relationship of smartphone use severity with sleep quality, depression, and anxiety in university students.”

Ġurnal ta 'vizzji fl-imġiba 4, nru. 2 (2015): 85-92.


Sfond u għanijiet

The usage of smartphones has increased rapidly in recent years, and this has brought about addiction. The aim of the current study was to investigate the relationship between smartphone use severity and sleep quality, depression, and anxiety in university students.


In total, 319 university students (203 females and 116 males; mean age = 20.5 ± 2.45) were included in the study. Participants were divided into the following three groups: a smartphone non-user group (n = 71, 22.3%), a low smartphone use group (n = 121, 37.9%), and a high smartphone use group (n = 127, 39.8%). All participants were evaluated using the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index, Beck Depression Inventory, Beck Anxiety Inventory; moreover, participants other than those in the smartphone non-user group were also assessed with the Smartphone Addiction Scale.


The findings revealed that the Smartphone Addiction Scale scores of females were significantly higher than those of males. Depression, anxiety, and daytime dysfunction scores were higher in the high smartphone use group than in the low smartphone use group. Positive correlations were found between the Smartphone Addiction Scale scores and depression levels, anxiety levels, and some sleep quality scores.


Ir-riżultati jindikaw li d-dipressjoni, l-ansjetà, u l-kwalità ta ’l-irqad jistgħu jkunu assoċjati ma’ użu żejjed ta ’smartphone. Tali użu eċċessiv jista 'jwassal għal depressjoni u / jew ansjetà, li mbagħad tista' tirriżulta fi problemi ta 'rqad. Studenti ta 'l-universita' bi depressjoni għolja u punteġġi ta 'ansjetà għandhom jiġu mmonitorjati bir-reqqa għall-vizzju tal-smartphone.