400 de zile Hardmode - Nu mai am ceață cerebrală, nu am anxietate socială, am fericire chiar și lucrurile mici din viață

Wow 400 days today. And I can say Nofap really has blended into my lifestyle for quite a while now I already went through the flatlines, withdrawals, and the brain fog all which is something in the past now. I no longer crave to see anything that relates to porn, I quit social media a few months ago accept Snapchat for only messaging that’s it. I’m so happy within myself I love myself, accept myself and I never compare myself to others in any way. I’ve already beaten this addiction and it made me stronger, self disciplined, and determined in pursue another year on hardmode. I still do get intense urges time to time and I always control them but they arnt urges to watch porn but urges to go out and seek a relationship. Urges will never go away that’s one thing I notice,

The benefits are very beneficial and I won’t ever trade it for pmoing or porn. I no longer have brain fog, I don’t have social anxiety or constantly think of how others view me as I don’t care what others think. I have too much confidence within myself to care what others think. I have happiness even the small things in life make me so much happier, overall my social life is good I enjoy talking to others. I don’t try to find ways to seek their approval and I just be myself and if they don’t like me then ok it doesn’t bother me.

De asemenea, nu mă mai acoperim și nici nu-mi ascund chipul în imagini. Am încredere în mine că nici măcar nu mă sperie pozele.

Corpul meu a devenit destul de potrivit și mereu ridic și fac push-up-uri pentru a-mi elibera energia sexuală ridicată. Postura mea este de asemenea foarte bună.

Mă iubesc Nu-mi mai pasă cum gândesc ceilalți, nu mă îngrijorează în jurul femeilor atractive sau al oricui altcuiva, contactul meu cu ochii se află într-un punct în care pot avea o conversație cu alții și este foarte bine să nu simt nici o rușine sau vinovăţie!

Pentru persoanele care doresc beneficii specifice, există multe, dar aici sunt cele principale. Nici o ceata a creierului, am un control puternic de sine si o foarte disciplina de sine, Nici o anxietate sociala, pe langa faptul ca este natural nervoasa, uneori, cu oameni noi, Nu inima bate cand sunt in jurul oamenilor, o multime de Atragere, incredere, fericire, Respect fata de altii Mai Mult

Quitting pmoing is one of the Hardest things a person can go thru you are already on the right path to success! even if u have a relapse it’s only a step back don’t worry guys, time is your friend and in time u will be free from this horrible addiction! Focus on finding ways to improve your life add hobbies, go out even just to walk anything u do to improve yourself is the best thing u can do on recovery find a better thing to replace the bad habits one step at a time

LINK - 400 Days Hardmode!

by YoungBaller23