Vârsta 16 - Gândirea ascuțită pe care am avut-o acum ani s-a întors. Rezultatele în școală sunt prin acoperiș. Simțiți-vă mai liniștiți și mai fericiți


Am atins în sfârșit obiectivul de 90 de zile! În acele 90 de zile, m-am antrenat mult, întâlnindu-mă cu prietenii mai des decât înainte, iar eu și prietena mea suntem împreună de 5 luni - a fost probabil cel mai bun moment din viața mea!

Throughout those 3 months, I also managed to bring back the sharp thinking I had years ago, my results in school are through the roof and I just feel calmer and happier overall. Although everybody is talking about some “superpowers”, I have never experienced one of them – but the brain fog was real and was hindering me overall!

The only thing I did was use the time I wasted in fapping to be productive and workout/study/go out with friends. I am grateful to have arrived while I am still 16 and enjoy my life to the fullest!

One tip from me to the beginners: keep yourself busy all the time. Most of the urges I had were while I was busy with more important things to me like school, working out or preparing to go out on a date/with friends.

So keep going, NoFapstronauts- the journey is all worth it!

LINK - 90 zile și merge!

by armorbug3