Brain oscilații, mecanisme de control inhibitor și prejudecată recompensă în dependența de internet (2016)

Autori interni: Balconi, Michela  
Finocchiaro, Roberta
titolo: Brain oscillations, inhibitory control mechanisms and rewarding bias in internet addiction
Autori: Balconi, Michela; Finocchiaro, Roberta
Digital Object Identifier (DOI): 10.1017 / S1355617716001181
Date di pubblicazione: 2016

Dependența de Internet (IA) este considerată un subtip de tulburare de control al impulsurilor și un comportament legat de deficite de sistem recompensate. Cercetarea de față urmărește examinarea corelațiilor neuronale ale deficitelor în controlul inhibitor și mecanismele de recompensare din IA. Inventarul dependenței de Internet (IAT) a fost aplicat la un eșantion sub-clinic.

Participanți și metode:

Cortical oscillations (frequency bands) and personality trait (Behavioral Inhibition System, BIS; Behavioral Activation System, BAS) were considered to explain IA. Oscillatory brain activity (delta, theta, alpha, beta and gamma) and response times (RTs) were monitored during the performance of a Go/NoGo task in response online gambling videos, videogames or neutral stimuli.


BAS, BAS-R (BAS-Reward subscale), BIS and IAT predicted the low-frequency band variations, although in an opposite direction: reduced delta and theta and RTs values were found for higher BAS, BAS-R and IAT, in the case of NoGo for gambling and videogames stimuli; in contrast increased delta and theta and RTs values were observed for higher BIS.


Two potential different subjects’ clusters were suggested: with low inhibitory impulse control and rewarding bias (higher BAS and IAT); and with impulse hyper-control (higher BIS).

lingua: Rumeno
Citazione: Balconi, M., Finocchiaro, R., Brain oscillations, inhibitory control mechanisms and rewarding bias in internet addiction, Abstract de <<International Neuropsychological Society 2016 Mid-Year Meeting>>, (London, 06-08 July 2016 ), <<JOURNAL OF THE INTERNATIONAL NEUROPSYCHOLOGICAL SOCIETY>>, 2016; 22 (s2): 50-50. 10.1017/S1355617716001181 []
Appare nelle tipologie:Abstract (se pubblicati su rivista)