Efectul suportului social asupra depresiei dependenților de internet și rolul de mediator al singurătății (2014)

Int J Ment Sănătate Syst. 2014 Aug 16;8:34. doi: 10.1186/1752-4458-8-34. eCollection 2014.

El F1, Zhou Q2, Li J1, Cao R1, Guan H2.



Many studies have determined the existence of an extremely close association between Internet addiction and depression. However, the reasons for the depression of Internet addicts have not been fully investigated.


This cross-sectional study aims to explore the factors that influence depression among Internet addicts.


A total of 162 male Internet addicts completed the Emotional and Social Loneliness Scale, Multidimensional Scale of Perceived Social Support, and Self-Rating Depression Scale.


Singuratatea și lipsa suportului social sunt în mod semnificativ corelate cu depresia printre dependenții de pe Internet. Rezultatele modelării etalonărilor structurale indică faptul că sprijinul social mediază parțial singurătatea și depresia.


Both social support and loneliness were negatively associated with depression of Internet addicts whereas loneliness plays a mediating role between social support and depression.


Depression; Internet addiction; Loneliness; Social support; Structural equation modeling