Prevalența dependenței de Internet și a factorilor contribuitori ai acesteia în rândul studenților care alăptează (2017)

International Journal of Nursing Education
Anul: 2017, volumul: 9, număr: 1
Prima pagina : (13) Ultima pagina : (19)
Imprimare ISSN: 0974-9349. Online ISSN: 0974-9357.
Articolul DOI: 10.5958 / 0974-9357.2017.00003.4

Kaur Rupinder1,*,  Meenakshi2, Kaur Sandeep3, Kaur Jasvir4, Kaur Amninder5

1Post graduate M.Sc. Nursing Student of DMCH College of Nursing, Ludhiana

2Lecturer, Dept. of Community Health Nursing, DMCH College of Nursing, Ludhiana

3Professor, Dept. of Community Health Nursing, DMCH College of Nursing, Ludhiana

4Professor & Principal, DMCH College of Nursing, Ludhiana

5Lecturer, DMCH College of Nursing, Ludhiana

*Corresponding author: Rupinder Kaur, Post graduate M.Sc. (N) Community Health Nursing, DMCH College of Nursing, DMC & Hospital Ludhiana

Online published on 27 January, 2017.



Internet is an integral part of modern life and it provides an easy and immediate way for people to explore information and communicate with other people around the world. It has become widespread in the lives of children, adolescents and college students in recent years. Loss of control over internet use, however might lead to negative impacts on individual psychological well-being, peer and family interaction, academic performance and daily life functions.


Un studiu exploratoriu a fost efectuat printre studenții 300 care alăptează în anumite colegii de asistență medicală din orașul Ludhiana, Punjab. Pentru selectarea eșantionului sa folosit tehnica de eșantionare sistematică. Datele au fost colectate cu o scală standardizată de dependență de internet (Dr. K. Young) și o listă de control structurată pentru a evalua factorii contributivi ai dependenței de internet prin utilizarea metodei de auto-raportare.


The study results revealed that most of the students 97.7% had an easy access to internet. More than one fourth addicted to mild internet addiction. More than half 180 (60.0%) nursing students were in age group 16–20 years. Contributory factors “Unlimited access to internet”, “Use internet as a way to escape problems”, “Get more respect online than real life” had significant association with internet addiction. Student’s age, mother’s education, father’s occupation, quality of your parent’s relationship had significant association with internet addiction.


Prevalence of internet addiction among nursing students was 70.3%. Majority of the nursing students were using internet on mobile phone. Most of the nursing students chatting was the purpose of using internet.

Cuvinte cheie – Internet addiction, Prevalence, Contributory factors, Nursing students.