Tausaga 27 - ED: 10 tausaga e aunoa ma feusuaiga - nei 7 masina o aso uma feusuaiga e aunoa ma ni mataupu

I’ve been a member of the site since March or April 2013 and it has been a big help to me. I did post an initial success story when I first started having sex again in April 2014 but I can now confirm I’m well and truly rebooted.

Quick backstory – lost my virginity pretty young (16) then i was in a long term relationship which didn’t involve sex due to issues the girl had from her childhood – as well as that I was masturbating daily in the shower although porn use was fairly light at this point. Since then I had a lot of one night stands but they usually involved a lot of alcohol so I would blame poor erections on that. There was a few occasions where very little alcohol was involved which did concern me a bit but again I put it down to nerves, plus I had some anxiety from all the previous failures which would constantly build on itself.

I le vaitaimi o Ianuari o le tausaga ua teʻa, sa leai saʻu teine ​​i loʻu olaga ma sa fai ma vaisu loʻu faʻaaoga o le porn, nofo i le po atoa, PMOʻo faia i le tele o taimi - o uiga moni popole. O le porn na avea foi ma tagata ese e pei o le tele o tagata iinei faʻamatalaina.

O le taimi lava na ou mauaina ai lenei '' upega tafaʻilagi na ou toe alu ai i le 90 aso toe faʻafouina, o le fausiaina na avea faʻafuaseʻi i le aso atoa ma na saʻo fesoʻotaʻi i teine ​​ae na i ai lava aʻu mataupu mauaina ma sili atu ona faigata le faʻatumauina malosi lava fausiaina mo feusuaiga. Tasi le teineititi fai mai ia te aʻu e tatau ona avea ma itupa aua ou te le mafai ona fausia se mo ia - Ou te leʻi mo se minute mafaufau o le tulaga lena ae o se mea tiga na taʻuina.

Na ou toe alu i tua ma toe faia se isi aso 90 talu mai lena taimi, ae na ou pa'ū atu i masaniga tuai.

Finally having successful sex in April 2014 I did use viagra for a few weeks as a confidence boost (divided the pill into 4 parts and would take 1/4 per session) but realised it was becoming a crutch and stopped that. I did have a few times near the start where I wouldn’t get an erection but the girl was fine about it.

I would say by July of this year I felt completely ‘normal’ or even beyond normal where we were having sex 4 times a day and i was getting constant erections. It has slowed down a bit since then and I notice stress in other areas of my life to be my main issue now but I can successfully have good sex on a daily basis.

Summary – 10 years without sex, around 1 year of unsuccessful reboots and now 7 months of daily sex without issues. The main thing for me has been rewiring with a girl I care about. Part of my issue may have been anxiety as well as PIED so that was a big help. This has hung over me for so many years now with so many doubts about what was wrong with me but these reboots do work!

Stick with it guys!!  

LINK - Returned to report success 7 months later

Novema 23, 2014



LOMIGA I LE POST - Re-focusing on what’s important

Setema 06, 2013

Well, I’m back (JohnnyFive originally, couldn’t remember my login). I went 147 days NoPMO and 90 Days no MO

Original Journal: http://www.yourbrainrebalanced.com/index.php?topic=8640.0 “Success” story: http://www.yourbrainrebalanced.com/index.php?topic=11364.msg195469#msg195469

Was MO’ing around once a week since the 90 days finished but just with imagination. However, moved to a new area where I don’t know anyone and through boredom and loneliness I started getting into the same bad habits I had earlier in the year (although not as extreme). Signed up to dating site (creeping on girls), MO’ing to porn daily the last few days and had to get a grip of myself before it becomes an issue again.

So here I am! Ready to be held accountable. Feel like I’ve lost a lot of the benefits I gained back then by allowing myself to MO and generally willpower seems low recently.

Going to re-do the 90 days and keep everything on track, wish me luck!