Le maitaga o le faia o faiʻai i le faiʻai o le tagata ulaula i luga o le initaneti i se gaioiga o le faʻaogaina o le polo: Faʻasalaga faʻaleaganuʻu o faʻalavelave faʻaalia e le fMRI (2012)

Prog Neuropsychopharmacol Biol Psychiatry. 2012 Jun 9.

Kim YR, Son JW, Lee SI, Shin CJ, Kim SK, Ju G, Choi WH, Oh JH, Lee S, Jo S, Ha TH.


Department of Psychiatry, Cheongju Medical Health Hospital, Republic of Korea.

lē faʻatino

A o faʻatofuina tama talavou initaneti faʻafiafiaina i le cyberspace, latou te faigofie ona maua le 'faʻafuaseʻi setete'. O le faʻamoemoega o lenei suʻesuʻega o le suʻesuʻeina lea o le eseesega o le faiʻai i le va o tagata matutua i luga o le initaneti ma tagata talavou i se tulaga faʻaleagaga, ma ia maua le fesoʻotaʻiga i le va o gaioiga o mea e le talafeagai ma mea e aʻafia ai ma amioga e fesootaʻi ma vaisu i le initaneti.

The fMRI images were taken while the addiction group (N=17) and the control group (N=17) were asked to perform the task composed with ball-throwing animations. The task reflected on either self-agency about ball-throwing or location of a ball. And each block was shown with either different (Changing View) or similar animations (Fixed View). The disembodiment-related condition was the interaction between Agency Task and Changing View. Within-group analyses revealed that the addiction group exhibited higher activation in the thalamus, bilateral precentral area, bilateral middle frontal area, and the area around the right temporo-parietal junction. And between-group analyses showed that the addiction group exhibited higher activation in the area near the left temporo-parieto-occipital junction, right parahippocampal area, and other areas than the control group. Finally, the duration of internet use was significantly correlated with the activity of posterior area of left middle temporal gyrus in the addiction group.

O nei taunuʻuga e faʻaalia ai o le faʻaosofiaina o le faiʻai o le faiʻai e faigofie lava ona faʻaalia i vaisu o tupulaga talavou. O le tagofiaina o le Initaneti o talavou e mafai ona sili atu ona le lelei mo lo latou atinaʻeina o faiʻai e fesoʻotai ma le faʻavaeina o faʻamatalaga.

Manatu faaalia © 2012 Elsevier Inc. Ua taofia aia tatau uma.