Tupulaga Talavou Faʻateleina le Faʻaaogaina o le Lalolagi Cyber: Initaneti Faʻasao poʻo le Faʻamatalaga Faʻamatalaga? (2011)

FAʻAALIGA: Suʻesuʻega taʻutinoina o Initaneti o mea ua fai ma vaisu o loʻo i ai ma le lelei le faʻamaopoopoina i le "manino a ia lava". Fautuaina suʻesuʻega lumanaʻi suʻesuʻe ituaiga o Initaneti faʻaaogaina, nai lo le aofaʻi.

Israelashvili M, Kim T, Bukobza G.

Tupulaga Talavou. 2011 Jul 29.


Department of Human Development and Education, School of Education, Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv 69978, Israel.

lē faʻatino

In this study, we tested the hypothesis that the Internet can serve as a valuable tool assisting adolescents in pursuing the developmentally-related need for self concept clarity. Participants in the study were 278 adolescents (48.5% girls; 7th-9th graders) who completed questionnaires relating to their levels of Internet use, Internet addiction, ego development, self consciousness, self-concept clarity, and personal demographic data.

O iʻuga o suʻesuʻega e lagolagoina le manatu lautele o le tulaga o le tagata lava ia, o le manino o le tagata lava ia, e fesoʻotaʻi ma le initaneti ma le soʻona faʻaoga. O le mea lea, e fautuaina ai o lumanaʻi suʻesuʻega i luga o talavou 'Initaneti soʻoga faʻaaoga tatau tatau ona faʻaaogaina lelei ae le o le tele faʻatulagaina faʻataʻitaʻiga ma fua ina ia mafai ai ona suʻesuʻe lelei i se amioga ma ona, a le o le lelei pe le lelei, aʻafiaga. A differentiation is proposed between over-users, heavy users, and addicted users. Namely, over-users and heavy users utilize the Internet for age-related and modern-life-related purposes, and hence should not be labeled as addicted. Implications for the measurement, definition, and treatment of Internet over-use are suggested.

Copyright © 2011. Published by Elsevier Ltd.