Initaneti i vaisu i totonu o tamaiti o le iunivesite Croatian (2017)

M Miskulin K Rogina I Miskulin D Degmecic A Dumic M Matic

Tusi a Europa o le Soifua Maloloina, Volume 27, Lomiga faaopoopo_3, 1 Novema 2017, ckx187.352,


Ua avea le Initaneti ma se vaega taua o le olaga nei; ae ui i lea, o le tele o le tuinanau ma le faʻaleagaina o le faʻaaogaina o lenei alalaʻau ua mafua ai le atinaʻeina o vaisu i luga ole initaneti (IA). IA ua faauigaina o le le mafai ona pulea le faaaogaina e le tasi o le Initaneti lea e tau atu ai i taunuuga le lelei i aso taitasi. O le faʻaauau mo IA i tupulaga talavou e eseese i le va o 2% ma le 18% i le lalolagi atoa. O le faʻamoemoe o lenei suʻesuʻega o le suʻesuʻeina o le faʻaauau o IA i totonu o tamaiti aʻoga a le iunivesite Croat ma ona fesoʻotaʻiga faʻatasi ma le itupa ma le mafuaaga autu mo le faʻaaogaina o le Initaneti.


I le avea ai o se vaega o lenei suʻesuʻega faʻasalalau, o se fesili na faʻamaonia, le le amanaiaina o fesili e aofia ai faʻamatalaga faʻamalamalamaga ma le suʻega a le Young's Internet Addiction Test na faʻatinoina lava i le suʻega o sui o le Iunivesite o Osijek, Croatia ia Aperila ma Me 2016.


The study sample included 730 students, the average age being 21 (range 19-44), 34.4% males and 75.6% females. The main reasons for Internet usage were learning and faculty assignments (26.4%), social networking and entertainment (71.7%) and online gaming (1.9%). There were 41.9% of the students who had IA; 79.8% had mild, 19.9% moderate and 0.3% severe IA. IA was more frequent among males (51.1%) than among females (38.9%) (χ2-test; p = 0.005). IA was determined among 17.3% of students whose main reason for Internet usage was learning and faculty assignments, among 79.4% of students whose main reason for Internet usage was social networking and entertainment and among 3.3% of students whose main reason for Internet usage was online gaming (χ2-test; p < 0.001).


O IA o se taatele i totonu o tamaiti aoga i le iunivesite o Croatian ma o lea e avea ma sui o se luitau taua o le soifua maloloina lautele i totonu o lenei faitau aofaʻi. O fesoʻotaʻiga vavave faʻasoa ma faʻafiafiaga o mafuaaga mo le faʻaaogaina o Initaneti o loʻo avea ma sui taua o le aʻafiaga o le atinaʻe o le IA i le faitau aofaʻi o tagata.

Manatu autu:

  • IA is an important public health problem among university students in Croatia that requires awareness and intervention.
  • Characteristics of Internet usage found to be associated with IA need to be considered while developing strategies for interventions.