Faʻafitauli faʻapitoa i le Initaneti ma faʻatasi ai ma le soifua maloloina o le mafaufau i tagata Korea i Saute Korea (2017)

Lee, T. K., J. Kim, E. J. Kim, G. Kim, S. Lee, Y. J. Kang, J. Lee, Y. Nam, and K. Young-Mi.

Faʻalapotopotoga Faʻapitoa Faʻapitoa a Europa 41 (2017): S868.

https://doi.org/10.1016/j.eurpsy.2017.01.1741Maua aia ma mea anotusi


The Internet is commonly used in modern society; however, Internet use may become a problematic behaviour. There is an increasing need for research on problematic Internet use (PIU) and its’ associated risk factors.


This study aims to explore the prevalence and health correlates of problematic Internet use among South Korean adults.


Na matou faʻafaigaluegaina tagata na aʻafia i le va o le 18 ma le 84 tausaga le matua i le vaega o le initaneti o se auaunaga i luga ole laiga. O le aofaʻi o le suʻesuʻega e 500. O nei tagata e 500 na auai, e 51.4% (n = 257) o tamaloloa ma 48.6% (n = 243) o fafine. O se tagata na auai na faʻavasegaina o se faʻafitauli i luga o le Initaneti (PIU) pe a fai o lana togi atoa o le Young's Internet Addiction Scale (YIA) e sili atu i le 50. Stress Response Index (SRI), Fagerstrom suʻega mo le faʻalagolago i le nikotini, aofaʻi o le taumafaina o le kafeini i le olaga atoa, ma le sociodemographic fesili fomu sa faʻaaogaina i le aoina o faʻamatalaga. O le suʻega t ma le suʻega sikuea-sikuea na faʻaaogaina mo faʻamatalaga auiliiliga.


One hundred ninety-seven (39.4%) of the participants was classified into the PIU group. There was no difference of gender and education between PIU and normal users. However, PIU group was younger (mean 39.5 years) than normal users (mean 45.8 years). PIU group was more likely to have high levels of perceived stress, nicotine dependence, and drink more often caffeinated beverages (P <0.05).


O nei faʻamaumauga o loʻo faʻaalia ai le faʻafitauli o fesoʻotaiga o fesoʻotaiga i le Initaneti e fesoʻotai ma le faʻafitauli o le mamafa, le nicotine ma le caffeine i le South Korean Internet users. E tele suʻesuʻega e manaʻomia ina ia malamalama atili ai i le va o le faʻaaogaina o Initaneti ma le soifua maloloina o le mafaufau.