O tamaiti laiti i le vavalalata i luga o le initaneti: Fegalegaleaiga i le taimi o le taimi, taimi o sailiiliga, ma le faʻatinoina o aʻoaʻoga (2014)

Beyens, Ine ×
Vandenbosch, Laura
Eggermont, Steven #


Le Journal of Early Adolescence


Research has demonstrated that adolescents regularly use Internet pornography. This two-wave panel study aimed to test an integrative model in early adolescent boys (Mean age = 14.10; N = 325) that (a) explains their exposure to Internet pornography by looking at relationships with pubertal timing and sensation seeking, and (b) explores the potential consequence of their exposure to Internet pornography for their academic performance. An integrative path model indicated that pubertal timing and sensation seeking predicted the use of Internet pornography. Boys with an advanced pubertal stage and boys high in sensation seeking more frequently used Internet pornography. E le gata i lea, o le faʻaaogaina atili o le ponokalafi i luga o le Initaneti na faʻaititia ai le faʻamalosia o tamaʻitaʻi i le ono masina mulimuli ane. O le talanoaga e taulai atu i taunuuga o lenei faʻataʻitaʻiga tuʻufaʻatasia mo suʻesuʻega i le lumanaʻi i luga o ponokalafi Initaneti.