19 година - Заправо имам женске пријатеље. Лако могу да разговарам са странцима. Први пут после много година предао се мојим родитељима. Сваког дана откривам нове ствари о себи.


Today I finally reached 90 days. I’m going to tell my story! Feel free to ask any questions in the comments 🙂 Last time I masturbated to porn was July 15th. 12 Weeks – Now. I actually have female friends. I can talk to strangers easily. I don’t crave other people, or feel like I’m inherently better than other people. I have more free time. I discover new things about myself every day.

1 week – Started saying positive affirmations.

2 weeks – became able to talk to girls at my job (life guarding)

3 weeks – Became confident enough for my aggression to come out more. I sent my boss a condescending email.

4 weeks – became aware of my narcissistic personality traits

5 weeks – Stood up to my parents for the first time in years

6 weeks – Started asking girls out like crazy. Started college and asked out around 20 girls in the first month. All rejections.

10 weeks – Desire to watch porn gone. Some porn actually disgusts me at this point.

12 Weeks – Now. I actually have female friends. I can talk to strangers easily. I don’t crave other people, or feel like I’m inherently better than other people. I have more free time. I discover new things about myself every day.

ЛИНК - My 90 Day Report (AMA!)

by isaiahbob