

  • 我对自己感觉更好。 一开始我已经很自信,但我的自信并没有明显提高,但是我注意到的是,基本上我一直对自己感到非常非常好。 不断隐藏我的习惯的耻辱消失了。 令人难以置信的解放。
  • 我与妻子的关系有了很大改善。 在我开始nofap之前,我们已经建立了非常牢固的关系。 我们每天都花了很多时间在一起,我们有很强的沟通。 我可以诚实地说,我们从不打架,因为我们拒绝大喊大叫,我们总是互相倾听,即使我们不同意某些事情。 现在我和我的妻子在一起度过的时间和以前的亲密时间(在我们婚姻中的一个大弱点之前)对我们来说更加充实和愉快。
  • 一种安全的感觉。 在我始终确保清除浏览历史记录之前,如果要下载任何内容(很少,我通常只是查找东西),我会将其放在隐藏的文件夹中,所以没人能找到它。 现在,我的浏览器很干净而且硬盘驱动器也很干净,我可以不用担心将计算机解锁,以便任何人查看。

总的来说,这对我来说是非常有益的经历,我没有计划很快停止。 色情很烂,永远不会回到我的生活。 这是事实。 搭档通常是在浪费时间,我唯一一次允许我自己再做一次的是,如果我的妻子离开了一段时间,并且一条规则是,搭档时我的想法是关于她的:排他地。 我开始进行nofap的部分原因是因为我想将性快感与我的妻子(只有我的妻子)联系起来。 我认为我已经在很大程度上取得了成功。

这是一条漫长而艰难的道路。 我有PMO习惯十多年了。 现在,我终于摆脱了束缚,这是非常满足和解放的。

明智的一句话:永远不要认为自己治愈了PMO成瘾。 我倾向于认为自己的方式就像一个正在恢复的色情瘾君子。 我想避免任何可能导致我再次陷入陷阱的自满情绪。 在我的余生中,我将成为一个正在恢复的色情瘾君子,努力保持清洁,过上充实的生活。

感谢每个人和任何努力奋斗的人的支持:继续努力! 如果有人希望获得有关方法的特定提示,请随时询问保持清洁的方法。 在主帖子中,我不再赘述,因为它已经是一堵巨大的文字墙。



by Aeveras


60日报告 (self.NoFap)

by Aeveras

简单地说:我的生活好多了。 我觉得自己像个男人。 我更开心 我的妻子更快乐。 我觉得我的妻子更亲近了。 我更喜欢和妻子在一起(包括性感时光和正常时光)。 简单地说,生活充满了生命。

<--break->” src=”https://www.yourbrainonporn.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/02/spacer.gif” title=”<--break-->“>I have had some struggles recently. The temptations seem to be coming back and trying to trick me into viewing stuff that would probably be considered super softcore. On second thought, it probably wouldn’t even be considered porn, just sexy pictures.</p><p>It’s been a struggle but I’m saying no and even in the moments where I looked at some stuff that I know wasn’t good for me I kept my hands out of my pants. That right there is a huge victory in my mind. When I started on nofap one of the rules I set for myself that I would only touch myself for pleasure in conjunction with activities with my wife. In the past anytime I had an erection I felt like I HAD to MO. Now I seem to have the self control to not touch myself that way.</p><p>My goal is simple: no more porn for the rest of my life, and probably no fapping for the rest of my life. I want my sexual pleasure and excitement to be tied to my wife. It seems to be working, because my wife excites me so much more than before now. Even the hint of a striptease gets me super hard.</p><p>For anyone who might be struggling with constant relapse know that there IS hope. I was trapped in the PMO cycle for over a decade until I finally broke free.</p><p>The best advice I can give anyone struggling is to consider, seriously, how important being free of this addiction is to you. What sacrifices are you willing to make?</p><p>In my case, the sacrifice that has helped the most was choosing to block all social media and all image databases via K9 (my wife holds the password for me so I cannot change the settings without her help). This severely limits what I can access and makes it easier to stay clean because I know if I do want to find junk to look at it’s going to take a lot of work. Making access to porn difficult has made staying clean much easier.</p><p>TLDR: staying clean of porn and fapping has improved my life dramatically.</p></div></div><p> </p></div><footer class=