

I started porn free because I was embarrassed that on hookups, it was a coin flip if I could stay hard when a girl would go down on me, or if we started having sex.我开始免费色情片,是因为让我感到尴尬的是,在转播时,如果我可以在女孩跌倒在我身上时坚强地坚持下去,或者如果我们开始做爱,那简直就是一次抛硬币。 For context, I'm a healthy male who works out 5x a week, eats right, sleeps well, in their 20s who in no way should have issues with ED, but I did.作为背景,我是一个健康的男性,每周工作XNUMX次,吃得正确,睡眠良好,在XNUMX多岁的时候,绝不会出现ED问题,但我做到了。 I knew this wasn't right, and it was this that pushed me to find a solution.我知道这是不对的,正是这促使我寻找解决方案。


I didn't masturbate for 2 weeks, and I could really feel it affecting my sex drive and overall mood, but eventually I thought fuck it, it's the porn that's been overstimulating my brain, I'm gonna masturbate to sensation alone.我没有手淫两个星期,我真的能感觉到它影响了我的性欲和整体情绪,但最终我想他妈的,是色情一直刺激着我的大脑,我要独自手淫以产生刺激。 So that's what I did, and boy it was odd.这就是我所做的,男孩,这很奇怪。 It's like I had to relearn the skill of imagining myself in a sexual situation.就像我不得不重新学习在性生活中想象自己的技巧。 I think you know it's bad when you imagine sex by default in the third person, instead of in the first person, especially.我想如果您默认在第三人称而不是第一人称中想象性行为,那您就知道这很不好。 But, it worked, and I felt relieved.但是,它奏效了,我感到放心了。

One week later I had a girl over, and I felt nervous, understandably, but also because I wasn't sure if I'd fail to perform like I used to.一个星期后,我有一个女孩过去了,我感到紧张,这是可以理解的,也是因为我不确定自己是否会像以前那样表现不佳。 But, in spite of all this, when it came time to do the deed, it all worked like a charm, PIED cured!但是,尽管如此,当需要做事时,一切都像是一种魅力,PIED得以治愈!

All other aspects of my life were the same, the only thing I ended up abstaining from was porn, and now I'm cured.我生活中的所有其他方面都一样,最后我唯一放弃的是色情片,现在我已经康复了。 It's brought me so many other little benefits too, like not feeling morally conflicted about consuming an exploitative product, and a more powerful imagination.它也给我带来了许多其他的小好处,例如在消费道德上不会因食用具有开发性的产品而产生道德冲突,并拥有更强大的想象力。 If you're on the fence, and think this is a waste of time, please, give it a go.如果您在栅栏上,并且认为这是浪费时间,请尝试一下。 Make it to a month and see what a wonderful difference quitting can make.到一个月,看看戒烟能带来多大的改变。

I don't consider anything a relapse unless I've consumed porn.除非我已经消费了色情片,否则我认为不会复发。 Orgasms, either with another person or alone, I think are completely fine.我认为与其他人或一个人的性高潮完​​全可以。 But hey, that's the bar I set for myself, totally appreciate others may be different.但是,这就是我为自己设定的标准,完全欣赏别人可能会有所不同。


I'm no porn star.我不是色情明星。 I found that I lasted a little less long, but I've gotta say that it's a lot less embarrassing than not being able to get hard at all.我发现我的持续时间少了一点,但是我必须说,这比根本不努力变得难堪得多。 Also, sex isn't just the penetrative part, in fact, most of it shouldn't be imo.此外,性爱不仅是渗透性的部分,实际上,大多数不应该是imo。

Oh, and you'll find a second round is way easier for you to achieve and your stamina will be waaaay better that time.哦,您会发现第二轮更容易实现,并且那时候的耐力会更好。 Basically, don't worry about that [PE].基本上,不用担心[PE]。


You don't need a partner to fix this problem.您不需要合作伙伴即可解决此问题。 If you can't masturbate without porn right now, I guarantee that by two weeks of not masturbating to porn (or anything) you'll be so horny that you'll easily be able to with just sensation as a stimulus alone.如果您现在不能手淫而没有色情,我保证通过两周不对色情(或其他任何东西)进行手淫,您会变得非常角质,仅凭刺激就可以轻松地做到这一点。

Not that I'm an advocate for nofap, but go two weeks without, then try.并不是说我是nofap的倡导者,而是走了两个星期没有了,然后再尝试。 Trust me it'll work, and once you've done it once, it gets easier time after time after that.相信我,它会起作用,一旦完成一次,此后它就会变得越来越容易。 Good luck!祝好运!

链接 - 去色情免费实际上治愈了我的PIED

By 特丹尼