
I had been off and on NoFap for probably 5 years and I couldn't even get a streak longer than 19 days.我断断续续地使用NoFap大约有25年了,甚至连超过XNUMX天都连胜了。 Finally, after suffering ED issues as a XNUMX y/o male, enough was enough.最终,在XNUMX岁男性遭受ED问题后,足够了。 It got to the point where I had to look at more and more degrading things just to maintain an erection.为了保持勃起,我不得不考虑越来越多的有辱人格的事情。 My GF and I hadn't had sex in months because I couldn't keep it up.我和我的女友几个月来都没有发生性关系,因为我无法保持这种状态。

I went to the doctor who shrugged it off as performance anxiety and prescribed some Viagra.我去看医生,因为表现焦虑而耸了耸肩,开了一些伟哥。 The Viagra straight up didn't even work.伟哥直线上升甚至没有用。 Completely flaccid.完全脆弱。 I figured if I couldn't do NoFap, that I'd start by not watching any porn (but still be allowed to masturbate to my imagination) and eventually my imagination would fade and so would my overall interest in masturbation.我认为如果我不能做NoFap,那我将从不看任何色情片开始(但仍然可以按照我的想象来进行手淫),最终我的想象力会消失,所以我对手淫的整体兴趣也会减弱。

I went 13 days then relapsed.我走了2天,然后复发。 Felt like shit and then today I hit that XNUMX-week mark.感觉就像狗屎一样,然后今天我达到了那个两周的标记。 A better way to think about it is that I only watched porn once in the last month.一种更好的思考方式是,我在上个月只看过一次色情影片。

ED走了。 Gf和我在过去3周中每周大概做两次脏事,我再也高兴不了。 I do not miss porn.我不会错过色情片。 I do not miss the porn-addicted lesser version of myself.我不会想念自己上色情片的小版本。

I do not have a number of days to hit a goal.我没有几天可以达成目标。 My goal is to erase porn from my life completely, forever.我的目标是永远彻底消除色情。

Thank you to this community for your indirect support and good luck to anyone starting out.感谢这个社区的间接支持,也祝所有刚起步的人好运。 It's a tough road but dammit it's worth it.这是一条艰难的道路,但我认为这是值得的。

链接 - 修复了我的ED,我再也开心了!

by 附身_Panda710 [帐户已暂停]