
So, I'm sitting here, writing on my laptop 4+ years clean from nofap, about to go to a photoshoot, and see my amazing girlfriend.因此,我坐在这里,在笔记本电脑上写了超过XNUMX年的nofap清洁知识,准备去拍照,并见见我了不起的女友。 I get to live how I want and spend my time with who I want, I am not a slave I am free and blessed.我过着自己想要的生活,与我想要的人共度时光,我不是奴隶,我自由而有福。


Not long ago (5 years ago), I was sitting alone, depressed, suicidal and had just relapsed again, it took great strength not to quit and I could barely see a way out.不久前(XNUMX年前),我独自一人坐着,沮丧,自杀,然后又复发了,我花了很大的力气才退出,我几乎看不到出路。 It looked like the rest of my life would be spent alone, jerking off being my only comfort.似乎我的余生将独自度过,抽搐是我唯一的安慰。 And at this point I had nearly accepted it.至此,我几乎接受了它。



I had been clean for over 9 months with no intention of looking back.我已经干净了XNUMX个月多,没有回头路的打算。 I was laying there next to some girl I had gone home with the previous night, I walked through university campus, with friend after friend saying hi, seeing if I was down to do something that night.我躺在那儿,是前一天晚上回家的一个女孩的旁边。我和一个朋友走过大学校园,一个接一个的朋友打招呼,看看我那天晚上是否打算做某事。 I got back to my accommodation and looked in the mirror, I was proud of the person I had become, my body was where I wanted it to be, I had an amazing social circle, I was confident and was having great success in my dating life.我回到住宿,照镜子,我为成为这个人而感到自豪,我的身体就在我想要的地方,我有一个很棒的社交圈,我充满信心并且在约会中取得了很大的成功生活。 I was in an upward spiral and it didn't look to be slowing down.我当时处在上升的漩涡中,看上去并没有放缓。 I was content and happy for the first time, and I wasn't going to stop!我第一次感到满足和快乐,而且我不会停下来!



链接 - NOFAP如何永久改变我的生活(动力)。

by 爱德华·丹尼尔斯75