恐吓,欺凌和诽谤的记录模式:对妮可·普拉斯(Nicole Prause)博士的行为进行公众问责(匿名)

我们最近发现了这个长达27页的关于妮可·普拉斯(Nicole Prause)不道德行为和策略的描述。 作者正在匿名写作(大概是因为担心 报应)。 From the content, it appears the document is a few years old;从内容来看,文件似乎已有数年历史; a whole lot more还有很多 恶意行为 has occurred in the last 2 years.发生在最近XNUMX年。 Unlike the overwhelming Prause pages (与压倒性的Prause页面不同(1页, 2页, 3页),该文件提出了一个易于理解的故事。 It also asks important questions about scientific bias and misconduct.它还询问有关科学偏见和不当行为的重要问题。

恐吓,欺凌和诽谤的文件记录模式–对妮可·普拉斯(Nicole Prause)博士的举动采取公众责任制(PDF)

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在某个时候,有人会告诉我不要这样做...所以我要开始,看看他们何时告诉我停止。“ - Nova的科学家秘密生活Nicole Prause博士

对于普通公众来说,标有“科学家”的个人被视为理所当然地跟随客观和客观地寻求真相的人们-追随真相的证据。 也许比其他任何东西都更重要,它唤起了人们的信誉,可信度和一种道德权威,可以帮助他人确定真理。

Nicole Prause博士通过许多外部指标来证明其标签和可信度(博士,曾是UCLA的前研究助理,1名已发表的研究员,以及有关性研究的频密媒体评论员)。 These credentials are showcased regularly in her many media mentions as confirmation of the weight her statements presumably deserve.这些凭证经常在她的许多媒体提及中得到展示,以证实她的陈述应有的重要性。

For those with a more intimate experience of Dr. Prause's work, however, a more concerning picture has emerged.然而,对于那些对Prause博士的工作有更亲密经验的人来说,出现了更多令人担忧的情况。 As documented in hundreds of separate incidents over a period of several years, it's become clear that Prause has been actively (and increasingly) involved in an ongoing pattern of both open and covert aggression in various forms against those who disagree with her own conclusions about pornography's benefits.几年来在数百起不同事件中都有记载,很明显,Prause积极地(并且越来越多地)参与了各种形式的公开和秘密侵略的持续模式,以反对那些不同意她自己关于色情内容的结论的人。好处。 To those who push back to defend themselves against her attacks, Prause also pursues a consistent pattern of flipping the story: claiming that, in fact, she herself is a beleaguered victim of ongoing harassment and discrimination as both a female scientist and对于那些为了捍卫自己免受袭击而辩护的人,普拉斯(Prause)也遵循一种始终如一的方式来颠覆这个故事:声称事实上,她本人既是女性科学家,又是遭受持续骚扰和歧视的受害者。 有人在研究问题 我们被告知有些人“希望我们不要问”和“不想让我们知道答案”。

My purpose here is to aggregate and summarize the extensive (but little known) evidence for these claims about Dr. Prause, just as should be required in making such serious claims.我在这里的目的是汇总和总结有关Prause博士的这些主张的广泛(但鲜为人知)证据,正如提出此类严肃主张所需要的那样。 As will be demonstrated throughout, Dr. Prause has shown no such consideration for the targets of her own damaging public accusations.正如整篇文章所证明的那样,Prause博士对她自己的破坏性公共指控的目标没有表现出任何考虑。

I write anonymously, as a colleague of many of the recipients of Prause's attacks – and a silent observer (until now) of what is happening.我以匿名的方式写信,作为Prause攻击的许多接收者的同事–以及直到现在都保持沉默的观察者。 In preparing this review, I surveyed many accounts, public documents and other material documenting these experiences.在准备这篇评论时,我调查了许多账目,公共文件以及其他记录这些经历的材料。 I also conducted interviews and did a thorough review of Prause's own published writings and speeches – with the aim of assembling an honest, fair and comprehensive account.2我还进行了访谈,并对Prause自己发表的著作和演讲进行了全面回顾,以期建立一个诚实,公平和全面的报告。XNUMX

Those unaware of these details may initially find them shocking and even implausible.那些不知道这些细节的人最初可能会发现它们令人震惊,甚至令人难以置信。 Indeed, until one grasps the full spectrum of evidence for what is happening, Prause's own story of sexist victimization in the face of a rigid status quo is quite poignant and easy to buy.的确,直到人们掌握了所发生事件的全部证据之前,面对严峻的现状,普劳斯自己关于性别歧视的故事还是很凄美和容易买到的。 As with legitimate scientific inquiry itself, however, the invitation here is to allow the evidence – and the evidence alone – to lead you to your final conclusions.但是,与合法的科学探究本身一样,这里的邀请是允许证据(以及仅证据)引导您得出最终结论。 要了解更多信息,请下载PDF。