Alter 28 - ED, 90 Deeg Bericht.

MAIN POST – 90 Deeg no ...

Jo, ech hunn et gemaach.

Ech sinn 28. Fir ongeféier 3-4 Joer hat ech ED. Ech huelen ED Medikamenter (viagra-ähnlech) fir ongeféier 1,5 Joer. Heiansdo war et besser, heiansdo méi schlëmm, awer ech hu gemengt datt ech dës Medikamenter brauch fir Erektioun ze kréien. Meng Frëndin war och schlecht. Si huet geduecht datt et hir Schold ass a si ass net waarm genuch fir mech.

Virun 90 Deeg hunn ech "Your Brain On Porn" TEDx Video gekuckt an et huet mäi Liewen geännert. Ech wousst datt Porno a Fapping e schlechten Afloss op mech huet awer ech hat just keng Motivatioun et z'änneren. De Video huet et gemaach. Ech wollt just Sex mat mengem GF hunn ouni Probleemer.

Éischt 2 Woche ware wierklech schwéier, awer ech hunn et fäerdeg bruecht. Méi spéit hunn ech eng Zäit laang verflaacht (ech erënnere mech net wéi laang). Ongeféier 3 lescht Wochen waren déi bescht. Mir hu wierklech super Sex ganz oft an ech fille mech all Kéier wierklech bequem (ech denken net méi u meng Erektioun wärend ech Sex hunn).

Elo weess ech, datt ech net méi Porno a Fapping wëllen. Ech si frou ouni et.

An dësen 3 Méint hunn ech ugefaang regelméisseg ze lafen. Ech stoppen auszeschloen an hunn elo meng eegen Geschäftswelt ugefaang. Ech denken net datt noFap magesch mir gehollef huet dës Saachen ze maachen, awer ech si sécher datt noFap Ausgangspunkt war fir mäi Liewen besser ze maachen.

Wann Dir Froen hutt oder Berodung wëllt - ech probéieren ze äntweren 🙂

LINK TO MAIN POST – 90 Deeg no ...

by grapster


  • Great feedback, I’m so glad for you and so impress by what you’ve achieved! If only doctors could be more aware about PMO addiction…

Exactly. I was talking with my doctor about PMO when I was starting my curation (1,5 year ago). He said that I should avoid masturbation, but he didn’t mention anything about porn. I was watching porn and tried not to fap. The was hard as hell 🙂 Now i think that porn is the main problem. Masturbation is onlny an effect of watching porn.

If you get along the reason (porn), effect (mastrubation) will come along.

  • what does flatline mean?

It is the moment where your libido completely disappears. Nothing seems to turn you on, you wont get an erection. It’s scary for most because it feels like it’s just not working anymore. I’m not sure why it happens, but it can happen and it’s something you just have to go through.

  • ok, that sounds really f**king scary….

Right that is quiet scary but I was prepared for that. I read that this happens so I didn’t bother. My gf also new about it so she helped me. Flatline always ends and libido progresively starts to be more nice feeling than it was before 🙂

  • Could you have sex during the flatline?

It’s hard to call it “sex”, because there was no penetration, only attempts to get penis to erection. After longer time I had erection only for short time of orgasm or no orgasm at all (when me and my gf were to tired of trying)

  • nice report, so you’re still taking the ED meds or not? I’ve the same trouble, got ED but didn’t take any meds yet.

I’m still taking meds, but now it’s 1/4 of first dose (now I don’t feel any help from them). My doctor says that you can’t just stop taking meds and it must be gradual progress. Other way you will probably have problems again. And I don’t want to risk anything 🙂

I hope to stop taking meds in January.

My longest streak without having sex with my girlfriend was only about 10 days so I can’t say how it would be in your case. After flatline my only problem was my head, when I was thinking about my erection while we were foreplaying. When I was more relaxed (sometimes after glass of wine) it was much better. So try not to think about it especially some days before 🙂 It will be well.

  • One question, how did you stop thinking about your erection during foreplay/sex?

There were couple of things:

  1. I knew that if not today, we will try again next day or later
  2. Some massage as a foreplay (if gf was massageur I was focusing on nice feeling, if I was massaging i was trying to focus on her body and making her feel great)
  3. Sometimes the glass of wine during romantic evening was helpful
  4. Last but not least – do not hurry 🙂 ever 🙂

If once or twice yo have no erection problems – later it’s much easier. But be prepared for some problems in future and rememeber that you can have worse day (everybody can have). It won’t last forever 🙂

After 90 days I feel that even if I have some erection problems while foreplay, my gf will make him stand and it really happens 🙂