Kann Porno morph sexuell Goûten benotzen, a kënne se ëmgedréit ginn wann Dir opgeet?

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I started sucking dick and receiving anal sex from men and Ladyboys after 12 years of watching Porn, could never kiss them or cuddle or be in relationships, I just fanticised me being treated like a whore or slut.

I mentioned it to a sexual health nurse and she set me up with a appointment to chat with this guy, kind of like a therapy session, he told me Human bisexuality isn’t 50/50, you can be 80% straight and 20% bi etc.. and he didn’t think porn was the reason I was having sex with men.

I was only having sex with men 2 or 3 times a year, nothing crazy but I felt regretful and unhappy afterwards, not to mention got 2 Stds from it.

I’m 15 days porn free and I have no interest in dick anymore, I still love girls of course but men I have lost a lot of interest in. For me I believe porn changed my sexuality.

[Eng Äntwert]

When I relapse after a while, I seek out normal stuff, 18-22 yo women. When I’ve been using regularly, it goes weird places. I sometimes find myself looking at things that i know I’m not actually attracted to. It’s the novelty of something different that makes it work. Pay attention to the things you look at and you’ll eventually notice them cycle.

Just keep clearly in your mind what you are. The rabbit hole will mess with your mind the longer you stay in it. You know what you’re attracted to.

Part of what makes you wander to other kinks and things is that you’ve been flooding your mind with your usual stuff and need a break….

[Eng Äntwert]

Yes [porn can fuck up your sexuality]. There’s no other way around this fact. Being the generation where pornography was for many of us our first and often only sexual experience, it’s wrapped it’s cruel, destructive grip around our ability to be free lovers of our own accord.

Zu dësem Moment sinn ech op 2 Joer ouni Pornografie zou. Ech hu beschloss zréckzekommen an Sex ze hunn, genuch Zäit ze denken ass vergaang. D'Konsequenze vun dëser Sucht weisen elo hiert ellent Gesiicht. Ech kann net "ageschalt" kréien, ech kann net eng Erektioun halen, an ech leiden ënner virzäitegen Ejakulatioun. Et ass onheemlech testen an frustréierend awer ech sinn zouversiichtlech datt alles gutt wäert sinn duerch de Kampf weiderzeféieren.

I had less performance issues with porn (mild ED). However what I am experiencing is flatlining, complete loss of libido. I know it’s terrifying man, it’s a torment, however this won’t stop me from defeating it.

It just shows how much of our sexuality is built upon the images we have consumed. I was addicted to porn for more than 10 years, from around age 12 – 24. A few years in between it wasn’t problematic but it came in waves.

Benefits? I would ask what you are seeking to gain from being porn free? For me it was to break away from a destructive, addictive, shell of a person that had no control over any facet of their life. Now, I am fully on top of everything, happiest I’ve ever been, life generally is great. All of this happened because I quit porn and found inner strength.

I didn’t stop in order to get sexual benefits. I stopped in order to stop sexually objectifying women. To become a better human, someone that truly treats women as equals, not as mere objects of pornographically constructed sexual fantasy.

So really, the benefits are unparalleled, however there’s just one missing piece that I am working on. Keep at it man.

[A reply to him]

Damn, stay strong man, you will recover, I’ve been watching for 11 years, when the addiction was the strongest I had erectile disfunction even when I was watching hardcore porn. I had a 50 days no fap streak and my erection got better. Try taking Ashwaghanda KSM 66 ,that will improve your libido and regukate your testosterone levels. Also cold showers could help.

[A reply to OP]

Porn kann Är Sexualitéit ficken an Iech denken datt Dir Saachen hutt, déi Dir net sidd, dat ass e gutt dokumentéiert Effekt vum exzessive Porno Konsum.

Jo, Abstinenz an Erhuelung hëlleft Ärem Geescht ze heelen an déi Kinks ze gesinn déi Dir net wierklech hutt fir wat se sinn.

[A reply to OP]

Ech hu Leit op hei an aner Websäiten gesinn, déi eng Attraktioun fir Männer, Sadismus / Masochismus an aner Saachen eleng kritt hunn, well se hir Attraktioun op "normal" p * rn erschöpft hunn (keng Porno ass normal). Wann se eng Zäit laang fort waren, hu se festgestallt datt d'Saache besser fir si ugefaang hunn.

Erwaart Iech datt d'Gedanken hale bleiwen, well dat tendéiert mat jidderengem, deen opgeet, passéiert, a gitt ni zréck.

[A reply to OP]

Jo, et geet meeschtens zréck op normal. Ech ginn ëmmer nach e bësse ageschalt vun e puer Kinks déi ech aus Porn krut, awer et ass kaum eppes. Ech gi meeschtens vun Intimitéit ageschalt. Ech hunn nach e puer Kinks, awer ech si ganz sécher datt ech déi hat ier ech ugefaang Porno kucken.

[A reply to OP]

I’m a little over a month into my reboot, and my porn fetishes are honestly gone. I sometimes crave the porn, but I really can’t bring myself to actually look at it, I just miss the high I used to get from masturbating to hardcore content. It isn’t even sexual, I honestly have two totally different sets of feelings when I’m intimate with a girl, and when I’m jerking off. Both intense, but the latter just makes me feel numb. Point being, it had pretty much no overlap with my innate sexuality, and abstaining from porn use really made me not even care much about that stuff anymore.

[A reply to OP]

Et ännert sech komplett. Ech weess datt wann ech zimlech déif an meng PMO Sucht war, hunn ech e puer vun de komeschste Fetischen gesicht déi Dir Iech kéint virstellen: Broscht / Ass Expansioun, Hentai. Elo kann ech mer net mol virstellen datt se mat hinne wankelen - Hell se maachen mech souguer aus.

LINK - Kann Porno Är Sexualitéit ficken? Gitt et zréck op normal duerch d'Ofhalen vun der?

By Lordkeravrium

2020 research reporting that some child porn users got there via escalation due to habituation and compulsive use:

Motivational Weeër ënnersträichen den Ufang an Ënnerhalt vun der Iwwerbléck op Kannerpornografie um Internet (2020)