Geschlechter Differenz an de Bezéiungen tëschent sozialer Angscht an Problembehandlung Leit: Canonical Analysis (2018)

J Med Internet Res. 2018 Jan 24; 20 (1): e33. Doi: 10.2196 / jmir.8947.

Baloğlu M1, Özteke Kozan Hİ2, Kesici Ş2.



The cognitive-behavioral model of problematic Internet use (PIU) proposes that psychological well-being is associated with specific thoughts and behaviors on the Internet. Hence, there is growing concern that PIU is associated with psychological impairments.


Given the proposal of gender schema theory and social role theory, men and women are predisposed to experience social anxiety and engage in Internet use differently. Thus, an investigation of gender differences in these areas is warranted. According to the cognitive-behavioral model of PIU, social anxiety is associated with specific cognitions and behaviors on the Internet. Thus, an investigation of the association between social anxiety and PIU is essential. In addition, research that takes into account the multidimensional nature of social anxiety and PIU is lacking. Therefore, this study aimed to explore multivariate gender differences in and the relationships between social anxiety and PIU.


D'Participanten abegraff 505 Studenten, vun deenen 241 (47.7%) Fraen a 264 (52.3%) Männer waren. D'Alter vun de Participanten gounge vun 18 bis 22 Joer, mat engem mëttleren Alter vun 20.34 (SD = 1.16). D'Sozial Angscht Skala a Problematesch Internet Benotzt Skala goufen an der Datensammlung benotzt. Multivariate Analyse vu Varianz (MANOVA) a kanonesch Korrelatiounsanalyse goufe benotzt.


Mean differences between men and women were not statistically significant in social anxiety (λ=.02, F3,501=2.47, P=.06). In all three PIU dimensions, men scored higher than women, and MANOVA shows that multivariate difference was statistically significant (λ=.94, F3,501=10.69, P<.001). Of the canonical correlation functions computed for men, only the first was significant (Rc=.43, λ=.78, χ29=64.7, P<.001) and accounted for 19% of the overlapping variance. Similarly, only the first canonical function was significant for women (Rc=.36, λ=.87, χ29=33.9, P<.001), which accounted for 13% of the overlapping variance.


Op Basis vun den Ergebniss fanne mir zou datt d'verstäerkt Educatiounsméiglechkeeten fir Fraen an hir grouss Zuel an der Gesellschaft hir Frae hunn aktiv an aktivéiert an dofir d'Luef an der sozialer Angstzéiung tëschent Männer a Fraen zougemaach. Mir hunn fonnt datt Männer méi Schwieregkeeten hunn wéi d'Fraen am Hafen vu perséinlechen Probleemer (dh sozialer Hëllef), hunn d'Internet méi iwwerdroën benotzt an hunn méi interspersonal Problemer mat signifikanten aneren duerch d'Internet benotzt. Mir schlussendlech datt Männer ënnert engem gréisseren Risiko vu sozialen Behënnerungen wéinst der PIU sinn. Eis Gesamt Schluss ass datt et en substantielle Betrag vun Associatioun tëscht sozialer Ängst an PIU ass an d'Associatioun ass méi staark fir Männer wéi fir Fraen. Mir beroden datt déi zukünfteg Fuerschung weiderhin d'PIU a seng gesellschaftlech Angscht wéi multidimensional Konstrukt weider unzefroen.

KEYWORDS: Internet; addictive behavior; anxiety; sex characteristics; social anxiety disorder

PMID: 29367182

DOI: 10.2196/jmir.8947