Età 21 - Konċentrazzjoni mtejba, kunfidenza akbar fihom infushom, il-bniet jinnutawni aktar

I realised latly that being in charge of your sexual energy is one of the or even most important thing in life we need learn how to control it.

I decided that I want to write about my experience, because it is very important for guys to know how they can decrease quality of their lifes due to lack of proper knowledge and how can they drastically improve it by not releasing our precious semen.

So like most of guys I started masturbating quite early, maybe when I was 12-13 years old. Sometimes I was masturbating to porn, sometimes using my imagination, sometimes one time a day or few times a day, sometimes I had a break for few days but anyway it was regular thing in my life and I thought that this is completely normal and fine. I learned about dangers of fapping when I was 19 and since then for sure I decreased over time frequency of my fapping but still I was doing this quite regularly. So actually in this year I realised that this is something really important and I need to kick this shitty and destructive habit from my life and slowly I see progress. I am 21 now. I’ve completed my 30 days NoFap challenge 3 days ago and I have decided that I want NoFap to be part of my life. I want to totally quit fapping, because benefits after 30 days are visible and I want to experience more of them and I want to heal myself from the damage I done to myself in past.

Meta nħares lura fiż-żmien kollox huwa ċar. Meta bdejt fapping f'12-13 l-esperjenza kollha tal-ħajja ma kinitx pjaċevoli daqs qabel. Qabel fapping kont dejjem wieħed mill-aqwa studenti, it-tagħlim kien faċli. Kont qed nagħmel taħriġ tal-arti marzjali u kont pjuttost tajjeb f’dak. Kont kunfidenti alfa tifel. Il-ħajja kienet tajba. Kollox inbidel bil-mod meta naqqas l-organiżmu tiegħi minn semen prezzjuż li kien fih din il-forza tal-ħajja inkredibbli ġewwa. Sirt inqas kunfidenti u aktar jitmeżmżu. Kelli ħafna aktar insigurtà minn qabel. Kont qed niżola lili nnifsi aktar. It-tagħlim sar aktar diffiċli għax ma stajtx niffoka u nikkonċentra tajjeb daqs qabel. Kelli inqas motivazzjoni biex nagħmel affarijiet, inkluż l-isports. Ix-xewqa sesswali tiegħi kienet verament baxxa u ma kelli l-ebda motivazzjoni biex niltaqa' ma' bniet. Allura b'mod ġenerali issa nifhem x'kienet ir-raġuni ta 'dan il-perjodu shitty f'ħajti. L-irġiel qed jitilfu l-forza tal-ħajja meta jitilfu l-isperma!!

Allura dawn huma l-benefiċċji li esperjenzajt PERSONALMENT fit-30 jum tiegħi mingħajr fap. Jien xorta nkompli b'dak.

More focus doing things. Meditating, working, reading, writing, speaking, listening etc. is better due to improved concentration. Better performance in sport. I just want to exercise more and I can push myself harder. Higher self confidence and because of that I feel much more better in social interactions. It is easy for me to speak with anyone I feel like a boss and somehow people respect me more at least this is how I feel it. I am less afraid to speak to girls and I receive much more better response than before. GIRLS NOTICE ME MORE ! 🙂 Interesting thing is that I notice more beauty in girls as well. My voice is lower. It is somehow magnetising and I like it. I would say my voice now is deeper, louder and more alpha. I have more sexua sensations in my body than before. I feel that my chemistry towards girls is higher. More motivation to do things. My beard is growing faster and hairs are stronger. My sweat smells better. When I am speaking to people I am very often flowing with my words, they are coming easier and I enjoy myself when speaking. More stable mood.

There is ofcourse more but I encourage you to check it for yourself. I would like to give you some links which helped my highly on this path. You can find a lot of info about benefits of No Fap and why masturbation is quite dangerous for our well being.

Jien 21.

First links have 150 pages of people experiences and benefits on nofap.

Jekk għandek xi mistoqsijiet staqsi. Nawguralkom l-aħjar.

LINK - 30 jum + esperjenza NoFap. Hija tbiddel il-ħajja!

by gopinat