Età 54 - Eġakulazzjoni Mdewma: Suċċess! L-ewwel darba li tgħaqqad daqshekk! Lanqas nista 'nemmen li qed nikteb dan


Success!!! First time cumming in so long! I can’t even believe I am writing this, I feel like a miracle has taken place. It has been 10 days since starting no PMO. I have read story after story of success from DE and always knew I could do it but of course still questioned if it would ever happen to me.

Ilbieraħ filgħaxija bil-GF il-ġdid tiegħi waqt li kont qed nagħmel sess regolari kelli l-iktar orga tal-għaġeb li niffaħ qatt. Kien mill-penetrazzjoni fil-pożizzjoni doggie. Grazzi lil kulħadd grazzi tal-istejjer u l-għajnuna kollha tiegħek. 

Ovvjament m'għandi l-ebda idea x'jiġri wara ma 'O imma naf ħaġa waħda ċerta, l-ebda P u l-ebda M. Hija kienet kuntenta daqs kemm kienet għax kienet taqsam fl-esperjenza. Ma nħossix bħal tellief sesswali jew xi ħadd li għad irid “imxi miegħu” u jaċċettah. Naf issa li jiena kapaċi nkun normali.

LINK - Suċċess - DE spiċċa ??? L-ewwel darba li tgħaqqad regolarment fit-tul SOOOO

MILL - bbkenpo


AĠĠORNAMENT - Delayed Ejaculation is almost gone!!!!! UPDATED 3-16-2016

Ma nistax nemmen. Jidher bħal ħolma. Ftit ġimgħat ilu biss iddeċidejt li ma nafx u tassew emmint li tista 'terġa' ġġib l-eġakulazzjoni normali. Ilbieraħ filgħaxija kienet ir-4 darba li kelli eġakulazzjoni normali. Dak li kien verament kbir kien ukoll kif ġara.

Jien u l-GF tiegħi għamilna sess u kienet kapaċi O imma mhux jien. Ħassejt li kont se nisplodi imma wkoll tlift l-erezzjoni tiegħi. Poġġejna fis-sodda għal ftit u mbagħad erġajt u bażikament immuntajthom fil-missjunarju. Ma kont qed naħseb f'xejn ħlief fir-ritmu u kemm ħassu tajjeb, fi żmien madwar 5 minuti splodt ġewwa fiha. Dik tista 'tidher bħala xi ħaġa daqshekk normali għan-nies l-oħra kollha imma għalija kien miraklu.

Għadni ma għamilx dan minn BJ jew HJ imma nista 'biss nimmaġina li dan iseħħ dalwaqt ... Grazzi tal-appoġġ kollu tiegħek ....

3-18-2016 UPDATE: Last night I had my 5th time having an O with my GF.  I literally can’t believe it.  I don’t think I had that many in 2 years with last GF.  All because of Fapping.  As you may or may not know I M twice in all this time and I felt shameful for it.  At least I was with my GF but I did use my own hands.  This was after inability to O regular.  Still shouldn’t have done it.  Now I look so forward to O from HJ or BJ from her.  This has not happened to me since I was 20 years old and I am 54.  I won’t believe it.  I want so desperately to shoot my load into her mouth.


UPDATE (2/8/2017) – Delayed Ejaculation – Cured, almost completely!!!

I never thought I would be one of the ones writing a success story.  It has been one year.  Slowly but surely first my ED went away and could get and stay erect without ever needing any pills.  Then I stopped masturbating and looking at porn.  Not always 100% but also not every day either.  Slowly I started to have orgasms from sex with my girlfriend.  Each time seemed like a miracle but they built on each other, the confidence and the expectation.  The pressure to perform slowly evaporating as performance started to happen.

Then about a month ago I had my first ever orgasm from a blowjob.  Has not happened again, and it took quite a long time, but it HAPPENED!!!!!  My last wish was to have one from a handjob.  My GF is amazing at both HJ and BJ but I just never could finish.  Kind of embarrassing and also very frustrating.  I could only imagine how past mates of hers would most likely orgasm from her amazing technique. Well last night while watching TV she slowly worked on me with HJ and after about 30 minutes I came!!!  There is no reason that all of you can’t experience the same.  I promise, I promise!!!