Esperiment ta 'Fun Fap / NoFap li jkejjel l-attenzjoni tan-nisa


An experiment I decided to do regarding the attention you might or might not get when you dont ejaculate. Experiment lasted 10 weeks. I spent 5 weeks fapping every day I spent 5 weeks not fapping at all. My life: Gym, go to work, go to town and shop, walk the streets, nightclub once in a while.

I have an online dating account and decided to write to 10 females a week.

When fapping every day:

Week1: 2/10 girls respond online, no one is up for a date. Girls who randomly stare at me: 0, initiate conversation randomly: 0

Week2: 1/10 girls respond online, goes nowhere. Girls who randomly stare at me: 0, initiate conversation randomly: 0

Week 3: 2/10 girls respond online, goes nowhere. Girls who randomly stare at me: 0, initiate conversation randomly: 0

Week 4: 3/10 girls respond online, one of them wants to meet up but flake. Girls who randomly stare at me: 0, initiate conversations randonly: 1, when I went out to a club with friends. We made out, but nothing more.

Week 5: 2/10 girls respond online, I meet up with one, but nothing happends. Girls who randomly stare at me: 0, initiate conversations: 0.


Week 1: 1/10 girls respond online, no meetup. Girls who randomly stare at me: 0. Initiate conversation: 1

Week 2: 2/10 girls respond online, no meetup. Girls who randomly stare at me: 0. Initiate conversation: 0

Week 3: 5/10 girls respond online, 3 wanna meet, I makeout with 2, but nothing more. Girls who randomly stare at me: 5, initiate conversation: 3

Week 4: 5/10 girls respond online, I get CONTACTED by 3 RANDOM GIRLS online dating, I usually never get this. Girls who randomly stare at me during the whole week 4: 10, initiate conversation: 5. Every day I walk outside, there is some girl looking at me for a prolonged time.

Week 5: 7/10 girls respond online. Two girls whom I havent talked to in years strike up conversation on facebook, I get a random text message from my ex 3 years ago? Girls who randomly stare at me: 7, initiate conversation: 2

Experiment over, I relapse.

During the week after: 1/10 girls respond online. Girls who randomly stare: 0. Initiate conversation: 0.

This is 100% the honest truth, explain it however you want, I have no idea.

LINK - I did a 10 week experiment of fapping/nofap, regarding the rumoured female attention, this is the result.

By loserinfact