Jiena ċert li n-NoFap jgħin f'ħafna aspetti ta 'ħajtek, imma ż-żieda tal-kunfidenza hija biss miġnun.


So I have been lurking on NoFap for about a year and after 80 days of not masturbating I have decided to make a post about the positive things that happened to me while on NoFap. The increase of confidence is just crazy. It’s the only thing I can be 100% sure has been made possible by NoFap.

And confidence is one of the most important things in life as it can help you and improve almost every aspect of your life.

People actually notice that something changes about you. There is this girl in my class who I have known for about 13 years now and she has told me that she noticed that I have changed. She told me that I seem different and also told me that I “flourished” (I don’t know the exact english word). This girl also actively tried to speak to me in past years.

Eżempju ieħor huwa li tifla li ma tkellimtx f'daqqa waħda qalli li kienet ċert li jien inkun raġel kbir ġurnata waħda u li hi diġà tista 'tara li nkun qed issir waħda.

Jiena ċert li n-NoFap jgħin f'ħafna aspetti ta 'ħajtek, imma l-kunfidenza hija l-iktar ħaġa importanti li tgħinha u verament tgħin ħafna.

LINK - Tismax nies li jippruvaw jgħidulek li NoFap ma jaħdimx.

by bigtree9929