90 jum - Inħobb kemm inqajjem fil-ħajja issa u kemm hu pjaċevoli kollox

My life has done a complete 180 since I started NoFap. My therapist and a couple friends have told me how much I’ve changed. I used to be so full of anxiety and depressed. And I had no friends. Now I have more friends that I can count on my hands.

My anxiety and depression are still there but much more manageable now. I went to a party last night and I had girls kissing me and sitting on my lap. Even the gay guy was hitting on me lol.

I did nut 4 times. But not by my hand. The first three were wet dreams and the last one was with a girl I managed to hookup with on the first date. I’m probably not gonna masturbate again because I love how awake I am in life right now and how fun everything is. Life is incredible and amazing right now. I finally know what it feels like to be present and live in the moment. Why would I go back to my old self?

LINK - 90 days! I did it guys!

90 days! I did it guys!