Jiena ħabtt drawwiet aktar b'saħħithom, ħiliet u passatempi, kunfidenza, ħin, enerġija, u l-biċċa l-kbira mid-depressjoni marret.

3 months ago I started this journey just to see how different my life could be. I always felt so weak PMOing as after the act my problems are still there and I felt worst. Its a terrible addiction .

I decided to make a change, I trained my mind from day 1 to think that masturbating is for children. I am a man, i also made a promise to myself the next time would be with a woman. I also trained my mind to forget about porn thoughts when it came into my head.

So I stuck to it and there were ups and downs on the way here which I fought through but as my mind was so strong nothing could stop me, even my dreams which I had changed for the better.

Well today is day 90 and I can successfully say that nofap makes you a better person. I have picked up healthier habits, skills and hobbies, confidence, time, energy, and most of all depression which used to happen went away.

Well my main advice to everyone out there is to train you’re mindset, its all in the mindset, don’t rely on cold showers or porn blockers, If you can train your mind anything is possible and you will be unstoppable.

Now to re quote my first ever post here 3 months ago when I was a noob at day 1.

The Hardest Choices require the Strongest Wills ~ Thanos

I just love this quote so don’t judge me for quoting thanos.

Good Luck on you’re journeys everyone I hope I was of some help to inspire or motivate you.

LINK - Day 90 My Story

by Its_Johnny14