ED indottat mill-Porn indotti minn NoFap f'3 ġimgħat

Ever since my embarrassing mishap with a girl 1 month ago, I started my NoFap journey.

I was going to have sex with this girl about 1 month ago but my PIED almost ruined it. I was pretty much limp. I had consumed a large amount of alcohol during the night so I just blamed it on whisky dick. 2 days after all that happened I started NoFap with hopes of curing my PIED. Last week my hopes became reality. I was at my friends party and there was this chick I was talking to and things went great. One thing lead to another and suddenly we were having sex. This time my limp dick was nowhere to be seen. It was like a fucking baseball bat. I know for a fact now that I had PIED because I had drank even more this time around and I still managed to get hard as a rock. Day 31 now, no way I’m stopping here.

I also have some mental and physical benefits but that’s for another time.

LINK - NoFap Cured PIED in 3 weeks

by NegativeFap