Karatteristiċi ta 'xiri onlajn kompulsiv fl-istudenti Pariġini (2014)

Addict Behav. 2014 Aug 6;39(12):1827-1830. doi: 10.1016/j.addbeh.2014.07.028.

Duroy D1, Gorse P2, Lejoyeux M2.



Online compulsive buying is a little-studied behavioral disorder.


To better understand its clinical aspects by focusing on (i) prevalence rate, (ii) correlation with other addictions, (iii) influence of means of access, (iv) motivations to shop to the internet and (v) financial and time-consuming consequences.


Studju trasversali.


200 students in two different centers of Paris Diderot University – Paris VII.


Brief self-questionnaires, to screen online compulsive buying, internet addiction, alcohol and tobacco use disorders, to rate frequency of online purchase by private-sale websites, by advertising banners, by mobile phone or to avoid stores, to rate motivations like “more discreet”, “lonelier”, “larger variety of products”, “more immediate positive feelings”, and “cheaper” and to assess the largest amount of online purchasing and the average proportion of monthly earnings, and time spent, both day and night.


Il-prevalenza tax-xiri kompulsiv onlajn kienet 16.0%, filwaqt li l-prevalenza tad-dipendenza fuq l-internet kienet 26.0%. Aħna sibna l-ebda relazzjoni sinifikanti maċ-ċiberdipendenza, l-alkoħol jew id-disturbi fl-użu tat-tabakk. Online compulsive buyers accessed more often shopping online by private-sale websites (56.2% vs 30.5%, p<0.0001) or by mobile phone (22.5% vs 7.9%, p=0.005) and preferred online shopping because of exhaustive offer (p<0.0001) and immediate positive feelings (p<0.0001). Online compulsive buyers spent significantly more money and more time in online shopping.


Ix-xiri kompulsiv onlajn jidher li huwa disturb fl-imġiba distintiv b'fatturi speċifiċi ta 'telf ta' kontroll u motivazzjonijiet, u impatti ġenerali finanzjarji u li jieħdu ħafna ħin. Hija meħtieġa aktar riċerka biex tikkaratterizzaha aħjar.