Dipendenza fuq l-Internet u l-Logħob tal-Vidjo: Dijanjożi, Epidemjoloġija, u Neurobioloġija (2018)

Psikjatr Adolexxenti Kliniku tat-Tfal N Em. 2018 Apr;27(2):307-326. doi: 10.1016/j.chc.2017.11.015.

Sussman CJ1, Harper JM2, Stahl JL3, Weigle P4.


In the past 2 decades, there has been substantial increase in availability and use of digital technologies, including the Internet, computer games, smart phones, and social media. Behavioral addiction to use of technologies spawned a body of related research. The recent inclusion of Internet gaming disorder as a condition for further study in the DSM-V invigorated a new wave of researchers, thereby expanding our understanding of these conditions. This article reviews current research, theory, and practice regarding the diagnosis, epidemiology, and neurobiology of Internet and video game addictions.

KWORDIJIET EWLENIN: Addiction; Computer; Digital; IGD; Internet; Internet gaming disorder; Video game

PMID: 29502753

DOI: 10.1016 / j.chc.2017.11.015