Id-dipendenza fuq l-Internet hija kundizzjoni psikopatoloġika distinta mill-logħob tal-azzard patoloġiku? (2014)

Addict Behav. 2014 Mar 3. pii: S0306-4603(14)00054-9. doi: 10.1016/j.addbeh.2014.02.016.

Tonioni F1, Mazza M1, Autullo G1, Cappelluti R2, Catalano V1, Marano G1, Fiumana V1, Moschetti C1, Alimonti F1, Luciani M1, Lai Ċ3.



The behavioural-addiction perspective suggests that Internet addiction (IA) and pathological gambling (PG) could share similar characteristics with substance dependence. Despite the similarities between IA and PG, it is not clear whether these disorders share different or similar psychopathological conditions. The aim of the present study was to test whether IA patients presented different psychological symptoms, temperamental traits, coping strategies and relational patterns compared with PG patients. The hypothesis was that IA patients will show greater interpersonal disengagement than PG patients.


Two clinical groups (31 IA patients and 11 PG patients) and a control group (38 healthy subjects) matched with the clinical groups for gender and age were enrolled. The clinical groups were gathered in a psychiatric service for IA and PG in a hospital. Anxiety, depression, coping strategies, attachment, temperament, and global assessment of functioning were measured. MANOVAs, ANOVAs and post-hoc comparisons were carried out in order to test the hypothesis.


Minkejja li l-IA u l-PG urew differenzi simili mal-grupp ta 'kontroll fuq il-livelli ta' depressjoni, ansjetà u funzjonament globali, iż-żewġ gruppi kliniċi wrew mudelli differenti ta 'temperament, ta' kif wieħed jiflaħ u soċjali. Speċifikament pazjenti b'IA meta mqabbla mal-pazjenti b'PG urew diżintegrazzjoni mentali u fl-imġieba akbar assoċjata ma 'indeboliment importanti interpersonali. Iż-żewġ gruppi kliniċi kellhom strateġija impulsiva biex ilaħħqu u indebolimenti soċjo-emozzjonali.


Minkejja pazjenti b'IA u PG li għandhom sintomi kliniċi simili, il-kundizzjoni tal-IA kienet ikkaratterizzata minn diżinġestjoni mentali, ta 'mġiba u soċjali aktar relevanti meta mqabbla mal-kundizzjoni ta' PG.

Copyright © 2014 Elsevier Ltd. Id-drittijiet kollha riżervati.


Attachment, Coping strategies, Internet addiction, Pathological gambling, Temperament