Stennija ta 'Eżitu Pożittiv Tirmedja r-Relazzjoni Bejn l-Influwenza tal-Pari u d-Dipendenza fuq il-Logħob tal-Internet fost l-Adolexxenti fit-Tajwan (2015)

Cyberpsychol Behav Soc Netw. 2015 Dic 30.

Wu JY1, Ko HC1,2,3, Wong TY4, Wu LA2, Oei TP5.


The present study examined the role of positive outcome expectancy in the relationship between peer/parental influence and Internet gaming addiction (IGA) among adolescents in Taiwan. Two thousand, one hundred and four junior high students completed the Chen Internet Addiction Scale for IGA, Parental Influence for IGA, peer influence for IGA, and Positive Outcome Expectancy of Internet Gaming Questionnaire. Results showed that the three types of peer influences (positive attitudes toward Internet gaming, frequency of Internet game use, and invitation to play) and positive outcome expectancy were significantly and positively correlated with IGA. Moreover, peer influence was also positively correlated with positive outcome expectancy. On the other hand, positive outcome expectancy and parental influences had a low correlation. Structural equation modeling analysis revealed that positive outcome expectancy did not mediate the relationship between either type of parental influences and IGA, and only the parent’s invitation to play Internet games directly predicted IGA severity. However, peers’ positive attitude or the frequency of peers’ Internet game use positively predicted IGA and was fully mediated through positive outcome expectancy of Internet gaming. In addition, the frequency of peers’ invitation to play Internet games directly and indirectly predicted IGA severity through a partial mediation of positive outcome expectancy of Internet gaming. The overall fit of the model was adequate and was able to explain 25.0 percent of the variance. The findings provide evidence in illuminating the role of peer influences and positive outcome expectancy of Internet gaming in the process of why adolescents may develop IGA.