L-użu problematiku tal-internet huwa kważi-karatteristika unidimensjonali b'subtipi impulsivi u kompulsivi (2019)

Psikjatrija BMC. 2019 Nov 8;19(1):348. doi: 10.1186/s12888-019-2352-8.

Tiego J1, Lochner C2, Ioannidis K3, Il-marka M4, Stein DJ5, Yücel M1, Għoti lil JE6, Chamberlain SR7,8.



Problematic use of the Internet has been highlighted as needing further study by international bodies, including the European Union and American Psychiatric Association. Knowledge regarding the optimal classification of problematic use of the Internet, subtypes, and associations with clinical disorders has been hindered by reliance on measurement instruments characterized by limited psychometric properties and external validation.


Non-treatment seeking individuals were recruited from the community of Stellenbosch, South Africa (N = 1661), and Chicago, United States of America (N = 827). Participants completed an online version of the Internet Addiction Test, a widely used measure of problematic use of the Internet consisting of 20-items, measured on a 5-point Likert-scale. The online questions also included demographic measures, time spent engaging in different online activities, and clinical scales. The psychometric properties of the Internet Addiction Test, and potential problematic use of the Internet subtypes, were characterized using factor analysis and latent class analysis.


Internet Addiction Test data were optimally conceptualized as unidimensional. Latent class analysis identified two groups: those essentially free from Internet use problems, and those with problematic use of the Internet situated along a unidimensional spectrum. Internet Addiction Test scores clearly differentiated these groups, but with different optimal cut-offs at each site. In the larger Stellenbosch dataset, there was evidence for two subtypes of problematic use of the Internet that differed in severity: a lower severity “impulsive” subtype (linked with attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder), and a higher severity “compulsive” subtype (linked with obsessive-compulsive personality traits).


L-użu problematiku tal-Internet kif imkejjel mit-Test tad-Dipendenza fuq l-Internet jirrifletti kważi karatteristika - dimensjoni unipolari li fiha l-biċċa l-kbira tal-varjanza hija ristretta għal sottogrupp ta 'nies bi problemi li jirregolaw l-użu tal-Internet. Ma kien hemm l-ebda evidenza għal sottotipi bbażati fuq it-tip ta 'attivitajiet onlajn involuti, li żdiedu bl-istess mod bis-severità ġenerali tal-problemi tal-użu tal-Internet. Miżuri ta ’sintomi psikjatriċi komorbidi, flimkien ma’ impulsività, u kompulsività, jidhru siewja biex jiddifferenzjaw sottotipi kliniċi u jistgħu jiġu nklużi fl-iżvilupp ta ’strumenti ġodda għall-valutazzjoni tal-preżenza u s-severità tal-problemi tal-użu tal-Internet.

KWORDIJIET EWLENIN: Compulsivity; Impulsivity; Internet; Psychometric; Scales; Young’s

PMID: 31703666

PMCID: PMC6839143

DOI: 10.1186/s12888-019-2352-8

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