Nagħrfu d-dipendenza fuq l-internet: Il-prevalenza u r-relazzjoni mal-kisba akkademika f'adolexxenti rreġistrati fi skejjel urbani u rurali Griegi għolja (2013)

J Adolesc. 2013 Apr 19. pii: S0140-1971 (13) 00045-6. doi: 10.1016 / j.adolescence.2013.03.008.

Stavropoulos V, Alexandraki K, Motti-Stefanidi F


University of Athens, Greece. Electronic address: [protett bl-email].


This study aims: a) to estimate the prevalence of internet addiction among adolescents of urban and rural areas in Greece, b) to examine whether the Internet Addiction Test cut-off point is applicable to them and c) to investigate the phenomenon’s association with academic achievement. Participants were 2090 adolescents (mean age 16, 1036 males, 1050 females). Young’s (1998) Internet Addiction Test and her Diagnostic Questionnaire were applied. School records’ grades were retrieved. A 3.1% prevalence revealed, while boys {F (1, 1642) = 6.207, p < .05}, urban residents {F (1, 1642) = 5.53, p > .05} and academic track high school students {F (1, 1642) = 5.30, p < .05} were at higher risk. An Internet Addiction Test score of 51 points (sample’s mean = 27.69, SD = 17.38) was proposed as the optimal cut-off point combining high sensitivity (98%) and specificity (91%). Finally, findings illustrated the syndrome’s relation to worse academic achievement {F (1, 1725) = 0.93, p > .05}.

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