Implikazzjonijiet soċjali tal-vizzju tat-smartphone tat-tfal: Ir-rwol tan-netwerks ta 'appoġġ u l-impenn soċjali (2018)

J Behav Addict. 2018 Ġunju 5: 1-9. doi: 10.1556 / 2006.7.2018.48.

Ihm J1.


Sfond u għanijiet

Most studies have regarded smartphone addiction as a condition stemming from individuals’ psychological issues, so research has rarely examined it in relation to a lack of social resources and its social impacts. However, this study reinterprets smartphone addiction as a social problem stemming from a lack of offline social networks and resulting in a decline of social engagement.


This study drew on a survey of 2,000 children in Korea consisting of 991 males and 1,009 females with an average age of 12 years old. Using the STATA 14 structural equation modeling program, this study examined the relationships between children’s lack of social networks, smartphone addiction, and social engagement.


Social network variables, such as formal organizational membership, quality of relationship with parents, size of the peer group, and peer support, decrease smartphone addiction. Simply having good relationships and reciprocal feelings with peers do not have any influence on the smartphone addiction. The more the children become addicted to smartphones, the less they participate in social engagement.

Diskussjoni u konklużjonijiet

Dan l-istudju jipprovdi fehim ġdid tal-vizzju tal-ismartphone billi jiffoka fuq l-aspetti soċjali tiegħu, billi jżid l-istudji preċedenti li indirizzaw fatturi psikoloġiċi. Is-sejbiet jissuġġerixxu li n-nuqqas ta 'netwerks soċjali tat-tfal jista' jinibixxi interazzjonijiet soċjali komdi u sentimenti ta 'appoġġ fl-ambjent offline, li jistgħu jżidu x-xewqa tagħhom li jaħarbu għal smartphones. Dawn it-tfal, kuntrarjament għal dawk li mhumiex ivvizzjati, jistgħu ma japprofittawx mill-midja biex jarrikkixxu l-ħajja soċjali tagħhom u jżidu l-livell ta 'impenn soċjali tagħhom.

KWORDIJIET EWLENIN: smartphone addiction; social engagement; social networks; support networks

PMID: 29865865

DOI: 10.1556/2006.7.2018.48