Vizzju tal-midja soċjali u reazzjonijiet tal-midja soċjali: L-implikazzjonijiet għall-prestazzjoni tax-xogħol (2019)

J Soc Psychol. 2019 Mar 1: 1-15. doi: 10.1080 / 00224545.2019.1578725.

Zivnuska S1, Carlson JR2, Carlson DS3, Harris RB4, Harris KJ5.


We investigate the intersection of social media and the workplace, focusing on job performance impacts of employees’ social media addictions and social media reactions through work-family balance and burnout. The research model is grounded in conservation of resources theory, which suggests social media compulsions and emotional reactions to co-worker’s social media posts will deplete employees’ energetic and constructive resources, making it difficult to achieve work-family balance and increasing the likelihood of job burnout, and will ultimately degrade job performance. A sample of 326 full-time employees revealed a negative relationship between social media addiction and work-family balance and a positive relationship between social media reactions and job burnout. Balance and burnout mediated the relationship between social media and job performance such that social media addiction was negatively related to job performance through work-family balance, and social media reactions were negatively related to performance through burnout and work-family conflict.

KWORDIJIET EWLENIN: Burnout; conservation of resources; performance; social media; work family balance

PMID: 30821647

DOI: 10.1080/00224545.2019.1578725