L-assoċjazzjoni bejn id-dipendenza fuq l-Internet u d-disturbi fil-personalità f'kampjun ġenerali bbażat fuq il-popolazzjoni (2016)

J Behav Addict. 2016 Dec;5(4):691-699. doi: 10.1556/2006.5.2016.086.

Zadra S1, Bischof G1, Besser B1, Bischof A1, Meyer Ċ2, John U2, Rumpf HJ1.


Sfond u għanijiet

Data on Internet addiction (IA) and its association with personality disorder are rare. Previous studies are largely restricted to clinical samples and insufficient measurement of IA.


Cross-sectional analysis data are based on a German sub-sample (n = 168; 86 males; 71 meeting criteria for IA) with increased levels of excessive Internet use derived from a general population sample (n = 15,023). IA was assessed with a comprehensive standardized interview using the structure of the Composite International Diagnostic Interview and the criteria of Internet Gaming Disorder as suggested in DSM-5. Impulsivity, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, and self-esteem were assessed with the widely used questionnaires.


Participants with IA showed higher frequencies of personality disorders (29.6%) compared to those without IA (9.3%; p < .001). In males with IA, Cluster C personality disorders were more prevalent than among non-addicted males. Compared to participants who had IA only, lower rates of remission of IA were found among participants with IA and additional cluster B personality disorder. Personality disorders were significantly associated with IA in multivariate analysis.


Comorbidity of IA and personality disorders must be considered in prevention and treatment.

KWORDIJIET EWLENIN:  ADHD; IA; impulsivity; personality disorders; self-esteem

PMID: 28005417

DOI: 10.1556/2006.5.2016.086