Mekkaniżmi terapewtiċi ta 'Titjib ta' Rkupru Orjentat lejn Mindfulness għal diżordni fil-logħob tal-internet: Tnaqqis ta 'effetti tax-xenqa u mġiba dipendenti billi jiġu mmirati proċessi konjittivi (2018)

J Addict Dis. 2018 Mar 22: 1-9. doi: 10.1080 / 10550887.2018.1442617.

Li W1, Garland EL2, Howard MO3.



Internet gaming disorder (IGD) is characterized by signs and symptoms similar to substance use and gambling disorders, and associated with psychosocial impairments. Research suggests that maladaptive gaming-related cognitions and coping may be implicated in IGD; therefore, interventions for IGD need to target these underlying mechanisms. Mindfulness-based treatment is effective in changing maladaptive cognitive processes and increasing adaptive coping among people with addictions.


This study used data from an RCT of Mindfulness-Oriented Recovery Enhancement (MORE) for IGD to further examine changes in maladaptive gaming-related cognitions and positive reappraisal as mediators of the effects of MORE on IGD signs/symptoms.


Participants (N = 30, Age M = 25.0, SD  = 5.4) were randomized to 8-weekly sessions of MORE or a support group (SG) control condition. IGD severity, levels of craving for video game playing, maladaptive gaming-related cognitions, and positive reappraisal were measured at pre-and posttreatment, and 3-month follow-up.


Multivariate path analyses revealed that effects of MORE in reducing IGD and craving were statistically mediated by changes in maladaptive gaming-related cognitions. Though changes in positive reappraisal did not significantly mediate effects of MORE on IGD or craving, MORE enhanced positive reappraisal to a significantly greater extent than the SG at posttreatment.


Findings suggest that effects of mindfulness treatment in reducing maladaptive gaming-related cognitions might lead to reductions in IGD severity and cravings for video game playing. This cognitive mechanism should be evaluated in a future, full-scale RCT.


Internet gaming disorder; MORE; cognitive reappraisal; maladaptive cognitions; mindfulness treatment

PMID: 29565776

DOI: 10.1080/10550887.2018.1442617