Stimulazzjoni ta 'kurrent dirett transkranjali għal gamers onlajn: Studju prospettiv ta' fattibilità ta 'fergħa waħda (2018)

J Behav Addict. 2018 Nov 12: 1-5. doi: 10.1556 / 2006.7.2018.107.

Lee SH1, Im JJ2, Oh JK2, Choi EK2, Yoon S3, Bikson M4, Song IU5, Jeong H2, Chung YA2.



Użu eċċessiv ta 'logħob onlajn jista' jkollu influwenzi negattivi fuq is-saħħa mentali u l-funzjonament ta 'kuljum. Għalkemm l-effetti ta 'stimulazzjoni transkranjali ta' kurrent dirett (tDCS) ġew investigati għat-trattament ta 'vizzju, ma ġietx evalwata għal użu eċċessiv ta' logħob online. Dan l-istudju kellu l-għan li jinvestiga l-fattibilità u t-tollerabilità tad-DCS fuq il-kortiċi prefrontali dorsolaterali (DLPFC) fi gamers onlajn.


Total ta ’15-il gamer onlajn irċevew 12-il sessjoni ta’ tDCS attivi fuq id-DLPFC (xellug anodali / lemin katodali, 2 mA għal 30 min, 3 darbiet fil-ġimgħa għal 4 ġimgħat). Qabel u wara s-sessjonijiet tat-tDCS, il-parteċipanti kollha għaddew minnhom 18F-ography uoro-2-deoxyglucose positron ta 'emissjoni tomografika skanjati u kkompletaw it-Test tad-Dipendenza fuq l-Internet (IAT), Skala ta' Kontroll Awtomatiku fil-Qosor (BSCS), u Beck Depression Inventory-II (BDI-II).


After tDCS sessions, weekly hours spent on games (p = .02) and scores of IAT (p < .001) and BDI-II (p = .01) were decreased, whereas BSCS score was increased (p = .01). Increases in self-control were associated with decreases in both addiction severity (p = .002) and time spent on games (p = .02). Moreover, abnormal right-greater-than-left asymmetry of regional cerebral glucose metabolism in the DLPFC was partially alleviated (p = .04).


Our preliminary results suggest that tDCS may be useful for reducing online game use by improving interhemispheric balance of glucose metabolism in the DLPFC and enhancing self-control. Larger sham-controlled studies with longer follow-up period are warranted to validate the efficacy of tDCS in gamers.

KWORDIJIET EWLENIN: dorsolateral prefrontal cortex; online game; positron emission tomography; regional cerebral metabolic rate of glucose; self-control; transcranial direct current stimulation

PMID: 30418077

DOI: 10.1556/2006.7.2018.107