Il-Vizzju tal-Logħob tal-Vidjow fit-Trabi Emerġenti: Evidenza Cross-Sezzjonali tal-Patoloġija fid-Dipendenti fuq il-Logħob tal-Vidjo meta mqabbla mal-Kontrolli Saħħa Mqabbla (2017)

Rabta mal-artiklu

J jaffettwa d-diżordni. 2017 Awissu 18; 225: 265-272. Doi: 10.1016 / j.jad.2017.08.045.

Stockdale L1, Coyne SM2



The current manuscript presents data with age, gender, and ethnic matched undergraduate college student video game addicts with healthy controls. Self-report measures of social, emotional, mental, and physical health were administered. Addicts displayed poorer overall health and female video game addicts displayed the poorest help. Video game addicts were also more likely to report internet pornography problematic use than non-addicts.



L-Iskala tad-Disturbi tal-Logħob tal-Internet (IGDS) hija miżura użata ħafna tad-dipendenza fuq il-logħob elettroniku, patoloġija li taffettwa perċentwal żgħir tan-nies kollha li jilagħbu l-logħob tal-kompjuter. Irġiel adulti emerġenti huma ferm aktar probabbli li jkunu vizzju tal-logħob tal-kompjuter. Ftit riċerkaturi eżaminaw kif persuni li jikkwalifikaw bħala vizzju tal-logħob tal-kompjuter ibbażati fuq l-IGDS meta mqabbla ma 'kontrolli mqabbla bbażati fuq l-età, is-sess, ir-razza u l-istat taż-żwieġ.


The current study compared IGDS video game addicts to matched non-addicts in terms of their mental, physical, social-emotional health using self-report, survey methods.


Addicts had poorer mental health and cognitive functioning including poorer impulse control and ADHD symptoms compared to controls. Additionally, addicts displayed increased emotional difficulties including increased depression and anxiety, felt more socially isolated, and were more likely to display internet pornography pathological use symptoms. Female video game addicts were at unique risk for negative outcomes.


The sample for this study was undergraduate college students and self-report measures were used.


Participants who met the IGDS criteria for video game addiction displayed poorer emotional, physical, mental, and social health, adding to the growing evidence that video game addictions are a valid phenomenon.


Vizzju tal-logħob video, pathological gaming, emerging adults, internet gaming addiction