“Naħseb li kienet influwenza negattiva f'ħafna modi imma fl-istess ħin ma nistax tieqaf tużah”: L-użu ta 'pornografija problematika identifikata minnha nnifisha fost kampjun ta' Awstraljani żgħażagħ (2017)

Behavioural And Social Science Research

Sex Transm Infect 2017;93:A195-A197.

P4.11 “I think it has been a negative influence in many ways but at the same time i can’t stop using it”: self-identified problematic pornography use among a sample of young australians

Angela Davis1, Elise Carrotte1, Margaret Hellard1, Meredith Temple-Smith2, Megan Lim1


introduzzjoni Online pornography use among young people has raised concerns over the potential for “pornography addiction”. There are no diagnostic criteria for pornography addiction and little is known about young people’s experience of this phenomenon. We asked a sample of young Australian’s about the influence of pornography on their lives and analysed responses for themes of self-identified problematic consumption.

Metodi Participants (n=1029) aged 15–29 years were recruited via Facebook to an online survey. Those who had ever viewed pornography (n=856) were asked in an open-ended question: ‘How has pornography influenced your life?’. Data were thematically analysed for sentiment and theme. Sub-themes were developed for responses, which indicated problematic usage including obsessive thoughts, compulsive use, impacts on sexual function and relationships and desire to reduce usage.

Riżultati Fost il-parteċipanti li wieġbu għall-mistoqsija miftuħa (n = 718), l-użu problematiku kien identifikat minnu stess minn dawk li wieġbu 88. Parteċipanti rġiel li rrappurtaw l-użu problematiku tal-pornografija enfasizzaw l-effetti fi tliet oqsma: fuq il-funzjoni sesswali, it-tqajjim u r-relazzjonijiet. It-tweġibiet inkludew “Naħseb li kienet influwenza negattiva f'ħafna modi imma fl-istess ħin ma nistax nieqaf nużah” (Male, Aged 18 – 19). Uħud mill-parteċipanti nisa rrapportaw ukoll użu problematiku, b’ħafna minn dawn ir-rappurtar ta ’sentimenti negattivi bħall-ħtija u l-mistħija, għandhom impatt fuq ix-xewqa sesswali u l-obbligazzjonijiet relatati ma’ l-użu tagħhom tal-pornografija. Pereżempju kif suġġerit parteċipant femminili; “Jagħmilni nħossni ħati, u qed nipprova nieqaf. Ma nħobbix kif inħoss li għandi bżonnha biex nimxi nnifsi, mhix bsaħħitha. ”(Mara, Anzjani 18 – 19)

konklużjoni Qualitative responses indicated that some male and female participants describe their pornography usage as problematic, compulsive or concerning. This highlights the need for further investigation of problematic usage of pornography. Findings contribute substantial insights into the impacts of pornography on young people’s sexual health.